Approval Workflow Package 1.1.0



  • [PFPCS-1329] - WF Enhancement_Dropbox for some pre-defined columns in PP table

  • [PFPCS-1559] - WF Enhancement_Check table if it exist or not in PX, PP,..

  • [PFPCS-2353] - Enhance Performance for Workflow logic in PL


  • [PFPCS-125] - Support when value return map

  • [PFPCS-742] - Additional binding PP configuration definition

  • [PFPCS-743] - Additional binding parser

  • [PFPCS-744] - Approval expression enhance with additional binding

  • [PFPCS-745] - Create Predefined PP for additional binding

  • [PFPCS-1258] - ConfigManager - getting configurations

  • [PFPCS-1259] - Refactor current implementation using ConfigManager

  • [PFPCS-1262] - Documentation update for lookup tables supported

  • [PFPCS-1311] - Filter notEqual not work on null/ empty column

  • [PFPCS-1552] - Multiple binding support

  • [PFPCS-1676] - Additional Variable skip option

  • [PFPCS-1677] - Verify Lookup table before query


  • [PFPCS-1012] - FormulaEvaluator: Sonar Error - The nested block depth is 6

  • [PFPCS-1013] - FormulaEvaluator: Sonar Error - println should be replaced with something more robust

  • [PFPCS-1014] - FormulaEvaluator: Sonar CodeSmell - The catch block is empty

  • [PFPCS-1264] - Approval workflow enhancement: invalid result when lookup multiple variables value

  • [PFPCS-1265] - Additional variable configuration is not validated

  • [PFPCS-1266] - Approval workflow enhancement: variable value can not be mapped if using value provider

  • [PFPCS-1308] - Error @152 for Workflow Utils_Approval enhancement

  • [PFPCS-1313] - WF Enhancement_Show approval workflow if output is empty

  • [PFPCS-1339] - WF enhancement_Skip checking all lines when throw exception

  • [PFPCS-1350] - WF enhancement_Not work if lookup from Product master

  • [PFPCS-1381] - WF Enhancement_Not work if lookup from PX, CX

  • [PFPCS-1453] - Approval Workflow not work LPG, PL

  • [PFPCS-1550] - Error parse number

  • [PFPCS-1741] - WF enhancement - Not work when using condition "line.folder"

  • [PFPCS-1742] - Run condition incorrectly when compare "line.CashDiscount" > cashDiscountPct

  • [PFPCS-1747] - Timed out for PriceListApprovalWorkflow with large number of items (1000+)

  • [PFPCS-1748] - Approval workflow not work for some PLs

  • [PFPCS-2080] - Conflict between master and dev

  • [PFPCS-2238] - Workflow error is displayed with No such property in LPG and not work in PL also

  • [PFPCS-2338] - Approval Workflow does not work when VolumeBreakdownMagicLogic is used in PL

  • [PFPCS-2570] - WF Enhancement_Can not work if using label in WFExpressionVariableConfiguration PP

  • [PFPCS-2629] - WF Enhancement - LPG does not work both in Simple and Matrix

  • [PFPCS-2632] - WF Enhancement - Rebate does not work

  • [PFPCS-2666] - WF enhancement - Can't set the condition line."Payment Period"

  • [PFPCS-2669] - WF does not work if setting the condition quoteType == "Value Estimator"

  • [PFPCS-2992] - WF enhancement - Issue with Operator

  • [PFPCS-3011] - Approval Workflow_Missing Formula Evaluator dependency


  • [PFPCS-3002] - WF enhancement_Set dropdown and preference from other tables