Payouts and Plans (Sales Compensation)

Payouts and Plans (Sales Compensation)

This dashboard is a dedicated overview of Sales Agents' Compensation Plans and Payouts. The dashboard provides a list of (Approved or Superseded) Compensation Plans and their structure without having to access the Sales Compensations module. Additionally, users can also see their payouts (made or planned).

The dashboard is intended to be used by Sales Agents, Sales Managers as well as Sales Compensations administrators. Sales Agents can see only their own data, Sales Managers can see details for all their reports (based on the “Reports To“ field in the Seller Master table) and SC Admins have unlimited selection.

Dashboard Settings

You can set the following fields:

  • Seller(s) – Allows you to select a Seller group. If left empty, the whole salesforce is selected (based on permissions). It is pre-selected and read-only for Sales Agents. Only reporting agents can be selected by Sales Managers.

  • Reporting Currency

    • If Source Currency is selected, the dashboard works with just pre-currency changes (no filtering, all results in Datamart currency).

    • If Payout Currency is selected, an additional option is displayed:

      • Compensation Plan Currency – Allows you to select a currency from those specified as “Payout Currency“ in plan(s) of the selected Seller(s).

  • Payout Year – Shows only years where there were payouts for the selected Seller(s). By default, the current year is selected.

  • Payout Date – Shows only dates of a selected Payout Year where there were payouts for the selected Seller(s). By default, the payout date closest to the current date (in future) is selected.


Payout Summary

Quick summary of all payouts that have been paid in the selected period. The following details are displayed:

  • Revenue as a sum of revenues from transaction data based on the selected payout date and currency input.

  • Selected Sellers

  • Unique Active Compensation Plans

  • Payouts

  • Sellers with Active Plans

  • Active Plan / Seller Combinations

Active Compensation Plans

Table showing a list of all open plans. The following details are displayed:

  • Seller ID

  • Seller Name

  • Label of the Compensation Plan

  • Name of the Compensation Plan

  • Type of the Compensation

Clicking a Compensation Plan opens a detail. In the detail view, the user can see a simplified version of the configuration from the Compensation Plan stored in the Sales Compensations module. The view does not provide current progress but shows the definition on one screen when a line is clicked.


This table gives an overview of what has been paid and what is estimated for the next scheduled payment.

Each Compensation Plan can have several payouts because they are linked to the conditions (items) of the plan. The user is able to see how much and when payouts occurred in past.

Numbers with a yellow background are incomplete for the upcoming months. Until their due date is reached, their value can change.

The following details are displayed:

  • Seller ID

  • Seller Name

  • Label of the Condition Types

  • Source ID of the Compensation Plan

  • Header Type representing the Compensation Type

  • Payout Date

  • Compensation Total

  • Holdback representing the amount that will be paid in the last period

  • Compensation Payment calculated as: Compensation Total - Holdback

  • Currency

When you select one or more rows in the table, there is a context button Details at the bottom of the table. This button opens the Transactions and Statistics dashboard with some of the context already prefilled.