Dashboards Description (Sales Compensation)

Sales Compensations Accelerator has four dashboards used for overview, analysis and tracking of compensations:

  • Admin YTD Summary – Overview dashboard for tracking all payouts for SC administrators.

  • Payouts and Plans – Personal dashboard for sales agents, managers and administrators where they see planned and past payouts together with their plans.

  • Seller Overview – Provides a progress overview for individual sales agents for the current year.

  • Transactions and Statistics – Analytical dashboard for sales agents, managers and administrators that can be used for drilling down to transaction level while respecting the individual permissions.

All dashboards (as of version 1.6.0) show results relevant for Approved and/or Superseded Compensation Plans and for Compensation Records of any status, unless clearly visible and stated otherwise.

Dashboards Visibility

The dashboards are visible to the following user roles:

  • Admin YTD Summary – For administrators only. No further limitations.

  • All other dashboards – For administrators, managers and agents.

    • Admins can see everything.

    • Managers can see data related to them and their subordinates.

    • Agents can see the data related to them.

The dashboard access is controlled by Sellers records from the Sellers master data. If you see the below message, it means your Pricefx user ID is not associated with any record:
Sales Agent: “There are no Compensation Records associated with your seller data (your user account: %s)"
Sales Manager: “There are no Compensation Records associated with your seller data or that of your subordinates (your user account: %s)"