Overview (Product Similarity)


It is usually difficult to handle a large number of products, yet at the same time defining a pricing strategy for the right subset of products is key, as it is not realistic to have a strategy for each and every products.

In this scenario Product Similarity Accelerator is a science brick that provides a similarity score between products and possibly regroups them into similar groups. These groups can then be leveraged to apply a pricing strategy.

In addition, Similarity groups help enrich data for further processes, such as Clustering or Negotiation Guidance and similar products can be offered as an alternative product in a quote.

Other typical use cases:

  • For a Pricing Manager to understand relationships between products and to group them appropriately in order to steer pricing strategy at this level.

  • For a Data Manager to match competitive products with their own portfolio.

  • For a Spare Part Manager to match newly created parts within a meaningful product category.

Pricefx Solution

Product Similarity Accelerator walks you through the steps to easily compute a similarity score and regroup products by similarity based on product specifications. To do that, the model relies on 3 types of information used to define the products:

  • Text Attributes – Any textual data, such as product name or product description, that describe the product. Several fields can be used (and will be combined). The resulting text will be encoded into a set of numbers by a “Transformer” which is the T of the famous ChatGPT. This step encapsulates the meaning and then compares texts, including synonyms. What is provided:

    • English text transformer

    • Multilingual text transformer, including Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish.

  • Categorical Attributes – Can be any kind of specification that defines the product, such as product category, brand, type, color…

  • Numerical Attributes – Can be any kind of numerical specification, such as size, power… or even price (you can define a price threshold to avoid comparison of products that have prices too far apart).

From those attributes, a similarity score is computed, with the possibility to give a specific weight to each attribute type. Then similarity groups are created based on the relationships and similarity among all products.


The outputs of the model are:

  • List of products and similar product, including the similarity score between them.

  • List of products with their similarity group.

A set of dashboards is also provided in order to review and assess the outputs.
