Price Flexibility Package 1.2.0


PFPCS-4096 Caught the error in DetectChangesInMonitor CFS logic

Change Requests

PFPCS-658 Add Dependency Mapping mechanism to PF


PFPCS-3605 Add validation of observable attributes configuration

PFPCS-3269 Change Element to "Displaymode = Never" in all CFS

PFPCS-1895 Multiple monitors in price flexibility package

  • Upgrade notes:

    • Ensure that CFS:

      • AddProductsInMonitor is unique and doesn’t have targetDate

      • DetectChangesInMonitor is unique and doesn’t have targetDate

    • Changes in PP PriceGridMapping:

      • Columns moved:

        • LPGId moved from name to attribute2

        • PLId moved from attribute1 to attribute 3

      • New columns:

        • name: Instance

          • Unique name of the monitor. Monitors are entities with their own observable attributes and dependency levels.

            • Each mapping has its own monitor.

            • Each monitor has only one dependency level defined.

            • Each monitor might have multiple observable attributes.

        • attribute1: DependencyLevelName

    • Changes in PP TODOConfiguration

      • key1

        • Column name: “monitorName”

        • Content: Unique name of the monitor.

    • New PriceParameter, PF_DependencyConfiguration. It is used for hierarchical lookups.

      • User might use DependencyConfiguration from PSP. Create PF_DependencyConfiguration and leave it empty for that

      • PF_DependencyConfiguration should be a matrix type with 2 keys:

        • key1: DependencyLevelName

        • key2: DependsOn

      • Attributes:

        • attribute1: Dimension

        • attribute2: Currency

        • attribute3: IsComplete

        • attribute4-30: Any user preferences, used for mapping dependency levels to data

    • Changes in PP ObservableAttributes:

      • Type changed from matrix with 1 key to matrix with 2 keys.

        • key1: Instance

          • Name of the monitor. Might be not unique, allowed values from PriceGridMapping entries.

        • key2: Description

          • Data from former “name” column

      • Three new attributes for DependencyMapping:

        • attribute7: DependencyType

        • attribute8: DependencyField

        • attribute9: MappingSourceField

    • How to keep old behavior:

      • Create new monitors with unique names.

      • Keep Dependency Level Name and DependencyMapping fields empty.


PFPCS-4078 PF - Setup minimum version number and documentation URL in PM