Price Flexibility Overview

Price Flexibility Overview

This package is designed to notify a user group to follow the status when a product is added or updated. It means that changed products are added to a Live Price Grid where the change is waiting to be approved or denied. Once the decision is made by a member of the assigned user group, approved products are moved to a configured Price List and denied products are removed from the Live Price Grid.

Price Flexibility supports up to 24 observable attributes. Each of them is a product property in either Product or PX table.

(info) Price Flexibility package monitors all products available in the system; currently it is not possible to filter them in any way.

Products are added to the Lifecycle Monitor when:

  1. They are new in the Product Master.
  2. Once a value of a configured observable field has been updated.

Observed fields can come from Product Master or any Product Extension. ProductExtension, DependencyLevel and Fallback Mechanism known from PSP are supported. You can read more about fallbacks in the PSP fallback section.