Chart Options

This is the documentation for Clover Club 12.0.
Documentation for the upcoming version Rampur 13.0 can be found here.

Chart Options

You can specify several chart options that improve the appearance and clarity of the chart. Note that not all options are available for all chart types.

  • Title – Chart title, which is displayed above the chart.

  • Subtitle  Subtitle will appear below the title of the chart.

  • Show legend – If checked, the legend of the chart is displayed.

  • Show tooltips – If checked, tooltips are displayed when the mouse cursor hovers over the chart.

  • Enable drill down – If checked, clicking a point in the chart opens a menu, where you can select the dimension you want to drill into (e.g., for a particular customer in all products). You can cancel the drill down by removing the dimension from the Drill-Down Dimension table in the chart settings.

  • Enable zoom – If checked, you can select a zoom-area by clicking and holding the left mouse button. The selected area will be displayed as a blue box. Only this area will be displayed upon releasing the mouse button.
     Zoom is not available for pie and waterfall charts. Neither zoom nor drill-down zoom is available for histogram charts.

  • Comparison (Bar & Line and Detailed Time Series charts) – Specifies the comparison mode for two or more data series. There are three modes possible:

    • Grouped – Generates a grouped bar chart where values are compared by overall dimensions.

    • Stacked – Generates a stacked bar chart. The single elements are compared to the overall value and displayed as ratios.

    • Stacked % – Generates a stacked bar chart 100%. The single values are compared to the total value of all series and displayed as percentages.

  • Comparison (Box Plot) – Generates a grouped box plot chart where you can compare the same categories of two or more data series.

  • Comparison (Time Series)

    • Legacy comparison mode – Use this option if you want to align the data points in a multi-series chart without regard how the data match in terms of time. In this mode, the 1st data point in the first series is set against the 1st data point in the second series; and so on for the 2nd, 3rd data points etc.
       This method of comparison is discouraged as gaps (dates for which no data is returned) may lead to misalignment of the compared data points across series.

    • Comparison – The regular comparison mode, which is mutually exclusive with the legacy mode. In this mode, a date range is set in the first series and an offset in the other series. The alignment of time periods is now strict: a time period in the first series will only match up to data points in another series for a time period with that exact offset. For example, when showing revenue by quarter for the year 2015 in series 1, then an offset of +1 in series 2 will lead to a comparison of 2015-Q1 to 2016-Q2, 2015-Q2 to 2016-Q2 etc.

  • Axis X Label and Axis Y Label – Axis label shown in the chart. If not specified, the variable name will be displayed.

  • Max data points – Specifies the maximum number of data points on the X axis. The counting of data points starts from the left. Depending on the sorting (descending, ascending or unsorted) the selection of data points changes.

  • Vertical layout – If multiple series are defined, the charts are displayed in vertical order.

  • X Min / Max Value and Y Min / Max Value – Set the range of data displayed on the axis.

  • Logarithmic X/Y/Z axis (Bar & Line, Bubble, Detailed Time Series, Scatter, Time Series, Time Series Scatter charts) – If checked, logarithmic scale will be used for that axis instead of the default linear scale. It is particularly useful for data with a large range of values.

  • Show Z-axis – You can optionally specify the Z axis. Enter an 'Axis Z Label' and 'Z Min / Max' values.

  • Color Axis Type (Heatmap chart) – Defines the coloring of the cells:

    • Default – Standard color code (blue) is used.

    • Interpolated – You can define percentage ranges and assign a color to them. In each range, the cells are painted in a gradient between the neighboring colors.

    • Ranged – You can define data ranges by entering values for 'From' and 'To' and the color in which cells within this range will be displayed.

  • Merge close data points (Scatter chart) – If enabled, close data points are clustered into one point in the chart.

  • Show full data set in grid (Scatter chart) – If enabled, the Data Set table shows the complete, non-clustered data set. This might cause slower performance if your data set is large.

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