Zoom Chart
You can zoom the chart data in two ways:
Simple zoom – To select a zoom-area, click and hold the left mouse button. The selected area is displayed as a blue box. Only this area will be displayed upon releasing the mouse button. The maximum and minimum values of the X- and Y-axis are displayed on the Options tab. To reset the zoomed selection, click the Reset Zoom
Drill-down zoom – Click a record or point in the chart that you want to drill down to. From the context menu, select which dimension you want to drill down to (e.g., for a particular customer in all products). If necessary, repeat the process to continue drilling down into the data. The dimensions will be shown in the Data pane (the Drill-down Dimension table). You can go back to any drill-down level by selecting it in the Drill-Down Dimension table or remove a dimension by clicking the Delete icon. If the chart consists of several data series, the drill-down is performed only in the data series in which the selected data point is located.
Zoom is not available for histogram, waterfall and waterfall comparison charts. Only drill-down zoom is available for pie and heatmap charts and the Data Table.
Aggregation By, Axis X or Axis Y (where applicable) are not automatically restored to their previous settings. You must do it manually.
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Pricefx version 14.0