Model Classes

Model Classes are the Swiss knife of Pricefx: they allow you to build custom and use-case specific features where a user can go from one step to another, run potentially complex calculations (as in the Analytics module) and interactively explore their results (as in the Dashboards module).

A Model Class is the definition of the structure and the behavior of its instances which are called Model Objects.

To be able to work with Model Classes and Objects, the following user roles are available

  • Manage Model Objects – to view Model Classes, modify Model Objects.

  • Manage Model Classes/Objects – to modify Model Classes and Model Objects.

  • Export Dashboards – to be able to export data from the portlets in the step’s tabs.

  • General Admin and General Admin (without User Management) can modify Model Classes.

The following actions are available:

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Pricefx version 13.1