Data Exports

The Export functionality is useful when you want to:

  • Backup data (and metadata, i.e., format of the tables) to a local drive.

  • Export data from one system and import it into another one – e.g., when migrating data from the QA to PROD systems.

To export data:

  1. Go to Administration > Configuration > Import / Export / Archiving > Data Exports.

  2. Click the New Export button.

  3. Enter the Label of the data export task and click Add.

  4. Select the new task in the list and click the Configure button. A new dialog opens.

  5. Select the data tables to be included in the export.

  6. Back in the list of data exports, click the Start button.

  7. Keep clicking the Refresh icon until the data export task's status changes from Pending to Ready.

  8. Download the ZIP file containing your data and metadata.


  • The data are only saved into the ZIP, but they stay in the tables (i.e., they are not deleted from the tables).

  • For DMDataSource, DMDataFeed and DMDatamart only meta-data is exported, never the actual data.

  • Only Preferences that are marked as global are exported.

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Pricefx version 13.1