SAP C4C - Create Custom Field
This article shows how to create a custom field which contains Customer ID from a Pricefx partition. This field can then be used for customer lookups in SAP C4C.
Example of a custom field with a value:
Log into SAP Cloud Application Studio.
Select solution where you want to add a new field (in our case Account).
Right click the top node and select Add > New Item.
Select Business Object Extension.
Select a space in which you want to have your field.
Define your field (PFXCustomerId in our case).
When done, right click the object and select Activate.
Go to C4C and navigate to the intended location, enter Adaptation mode (our case, Accounts section).
Select form where the field needs to be added (Account details in our case).
Drill down your field.
Make the field visible.
The field is added to the page.
For details how to make this field accessible via OData see SAP C4C - Make Custom Field Accessible via OData.
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Pricefx version 13.1