Integration Known Issues and Limitations
Context Linking between iFrame and standalone
For Context Linking there is a limitation in the newer version of Google Chrome (from version 115) and chromium based browsers. Due to new security improvements the context thru web-worker cannot be shared between Pricefx in the tab in iFrame and standalone Pricefx tab.
Currently there is no possible fix. You can avoid this by using non-chromium based web browsers like Safari and Firefox.
Jira ticket: PFUN-24523
For more information see: Two shared workers for the same origin and security context, Unpartitioned third-party storage, Service Workers, and Communication APIs
Login necessary in the new standalone tab after successful login in CRM iFrame
As all Chromium browsers will block third-party cookies from Q3 2024, we implemented a third-party fix.
This implementation will allow us to use our integration inside iFrame after changes in Chrome.
BUT because of other changes in Chrome the storage is no more shared between different tabs which lead to additional login to Pricefx if you open it from the Pricefx iFrame inside CRM.
More related Jira tickets: Add Partitioned param to JWT cookie during the logoff
Unable to login to the partition
The normal login procedure can be unsuccessful and there is no obvious error or wrong credentials mentioned:
This status can be caused by old cookies saved by the browser. This is sent together with the valid token and causes the unauthorised status:
The preferred way is to clear your browser cache and cookies or close and open the browser again.
If the problem persists you can clear the side data completely. Go to developer tools (View > Developer > Developer Tools), open the Application tab, select Storage and click Clear site data:
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Pricefx version 14.0