Rebate Agreement List

Rebate Agreement List

The Rebate Agreements page displays the list of Rebate Agreements that you are entitled to see.

On this page, you can:

  • Create new Rebate Agreement.

  • Export to XLS, DOCX or PDF – Select an agreement and click one of the options:

    • Export XLS option to export data to Excel.
      An Excel template can be predefined in the Publishing Templates section. It can provide the agreement with a predefined structure and format for viewing the data. Without a template, the raw data is downloaded to MS Excel and can be reformatted there.

    • Export DOCX option to export data to the DOCX format.  
      The DOCX template can be predefined in the Publishing Templates section. 

    • Export PDF option to export data to PDF (if PDF publishing is enabled). 
      For this export either XLS or DOC template is used. For details see Publishing Templates.

  • Duplicate a Rebate Agreement.

  • Delete one or more Rebate Agreements.

  • Revoke a Rebate Agreement.

  • Create a new revision of a Rebate Agreement. See How to Make Rebate Agreement Revisions.

  • Move the selected Rebate Agreement to a different folder in the Categories tree.

  • View and add attachments.

It is possible to customize the structure and content of the Rebate Agreements table to suite your needs. You can:

  • Organize Rebate Agreements into folders in the Categories tree

  • Sort the table

  • Use a simple filter

  • Add/remove fields (columns)

  • Create advanced filters

  • Save your customized layout and filters as a preference

See the Common Table Actions section for details.

Rebate Agreement Status

Rebate Agreements can have the following states:

  • DRAFT – Newly created Rebate Agreement.

  • APPROVED – When the Rebate Agreement went successfully through the workflow (or when there is none).

  • REVOKE – When the user clicked the Revoke button.

  • SUPERSEDED – When the user created a new version of the Rebate Agreement.

  • OPEN and CLOSED – These states are no longer used.

  • INVALIDATED – Used as indication of the Rebate Agreement level status on the Rebate Record level. It is not a status of the Rebate Agreement itself. A Rebate Record has fields for both the Rebate Agreement status and the actual record status. When a Rebate Agreement revision is created, the Agreement Status field on the Rebate Records for that Rebate Agreement (not the status of the Rebate Agreement) is set to either:

    • Invalidated –  When the Rebate Agreement was not yet (fully) approved.

    • Superseded – When that revised Rebate Agreement was submitted but not yet (fully) approved.


Diagrams describing actions and workflow/document statuses can be found at Workflow Life Cycle.

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Pricefx version 14.0