Quoting General Settings

There are the following settings for the Quoting module:

  • Autosave – Sets the autosave feature on and off.

    • On (default) – Quotes are saved automatically immediately after creation and after any change made by the user. Newly created empty Quotes can still be discarded. Switching autosave on disables the Create Quote Option.

    • Off – Quotes must be saved manually – a warning dialog is displayed if you try to close a Quote with unsaved changes with the option to save or discard them.

  • Create Quote Option – On creating a new Quote:

    • Do nothing – If selected, the new Quote is not saved right after creation.

    • Save and calculate new Quote immediately – If selected, the new Quote is saved immediately after creation and the header logic is executed. It is useful if you need to work with the Quote's typedId in the header logic.
       After you change this setting and save it, you also must refresh the UI, i.e., refresh the browser window or log out and in again.

  • Run document creation workflow logic on save – You can set conditions in the document creation WF logic that will be evaluated on every save, enabling you, for example, to prevent some users from making changes to the document. This option is disabled when Autosave is turned on.

  • Automatically select added item – A single line item added to the Quote will be automatically selected and all other currently selected items will be deselected. This only applies if the added item is added on the currently displayed page (in the case when the table has several pages).  

  • Submit on Creation WF finish and restart the last state when denied or withdrawn – If checked, Quote is submitted automatically when document creation WF is finished. If the Quote is rejected in the approval process, the creation workflow is restarted at its last step allowing further work on the document.

  • Auto-convert Quote to deal after approval – If checked, the Quote status is automatically changed from Approved to Deal after approval. As a result, all products and their prices included in the Quote will appear as new Price Records.

  • Allow conversion of expired Quotes – If checked, Quotes whose validity ends in the past can also be converted to Deals. 

  • Add customer input to root item – If checked, the Customer user input field is shown in the Input Parameters on the Quote root level.

  • Add customer group input to root item – If checked, the Customer Group user input field is shown in the Input Parameters on the Quote root level.

  • Apply per-user customer filter on Quotes list – If checked, users with a set up customer filter will see only Quotes created for those customers. This setting does not apply to the Administer Quoting user role – such user will always see all Quotes.

  • Show only own Quotes – If checked, users will see only the Quotes that they have themselves created. Quoting Admins and users with the role Manage Workflow Logics will always see all Quotes. Also Quotes assigned to customer groups will always be visible.

  • Effective / Expiry date offset – Sets up the number of days which will by default offset the respective date when creating a new Quote in the Quoting module. It also applies to copied Quotes if the original Quote's effective/expiry date is in the past.https://pricefx.atlassian.net/browse/PFUN-14920

  • Async actions threshold – Sets the number of Quote line items from which actions (submit, recalculate, etc.) are run asynchronously. Enter "0" to force asynchronous mode in all cases.
     This setting works only for the React version of the UI (as the decision if an action will be run asynchronously or not is made in the frontend).

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Pricefx version 13.1