Save Quotes Manually

With the Clover Club release, a couple changes have been made to the Quoting capability.

Manual Saving

In prior releases, a newly created quote was by default saved creating thus a lot of junk data and deterring users from completing and verifying all changes before making it visible. Now, manual saving has been reintroduced to give you more control over which data you are storing.

Please note that the default settings stay the same, with autosave enabled.

To change to manual saving, you need to go to the main menu > Administration > Configuration > Quoting > Quoting General Settings.

At the top, switch the Autosave button to OFF.


Once you have disabled the Autosave feature, upon creating a new quote, you will see that the status is unsaved until you decide that it is ready to be. Until you make the first save, you can work with the quote and it will not be visible to other users.


If you want to leave the quote without saving your changes, a warning message is displayed.

In this upgrade, we also made sure that should something prevent you from completing your quote, you will not lose your changes even if the quote has not been saved.