Message Templates
In this section you will find different template types designated for:
Different document workflow states
General cases and messaging functionality in Unity UI
The templates are organized by document/situation type and they contain styling (HTML code) with placeholders referring to:
Texts – e.g.
which translates to "You have approved the following $object$"
For details see Template Texts and Localization below.Repeating parts of styling –
Each of these placeholders has a corresponding file in the build. These files contain company logo and formatting which is shared across all of the various template types. There are no texts and so these files are not editable in the UI.
In this section:
Template Types
There are several workflow email templates which inform users (approvers, watchers, owners) about various workflow states. The templates are:
For email body:
approvalRequired – Request for an approval to the approver.
approve_success – Confirmation to the approver.
deny_success – Confirmation to the approver.
stepApproved – Notification to others.
stepDenied – Notification to others.
watcherNotification – Triggered by having a watcher step in the workflow.
workflowApproved – Triggered when the whole workflow is approved.
delegationFooter/Header – Delegation of approval authority to other user.
For email subject:
workflowSubjectSuffix – Adds document's details to the email subject. (The subject is hardcoded and contains one of the following: Pricefx - Approval Required, Pricefx - Watcher notification, Pricefx - Approved, Pricefx - Workflow Approved, Pricefx - Denied.)
delegationSubjectSuffix – Adds source and target users' names to the subject when workflow delegation is used.
When editing these templates, you must put everything in one row (text line), even if you use a more complex template code. (If multiple rows were used, the subject suffix would be generated empty and the code you wrote would appear in the email body.)
Some of these notifications can be switched off. You can disable:
All notifications for specified events – for details see My Workflows (Configuration).
Individual message types. Use the Allow Sending option (next to the template name; see below) to control which message types will be sent.
Note: Some messages are split into several items (e.g., email subject and body) – in this case only the main part (e.g., the email body) can be enabled/disabled. Disabling the main part disables the whole message.
All of these templates are available for all the approvable documents:
Data Change Request
Price Grid Item
Rebate Agreement
Price List
Rebate Record
Rebate Record Group
Compensation Plan
Compensation Record
Custom Form
Export and Send by Email
There are templates for emails which users can send manually from Quotes, Agreements/Promotions and Rebate Agreements with the related document as an attachment (available only in the Unity interface):
Templates for Messaging in Documents
The following templates relate to the messaging functionality in Quotes, Agreements/Promotions, Rebate Agreements, Deal Plans and Custom Forms:
In these templates you can work with the following variables:
– Sender of the message. It is theuser
object for which which you can access fields such as firstname, lastname etc.$recipient
– Recipient of the message. It is theuser
object for which which you can access fields such as firstname, lastname etc.$baseURL
– URL of the Pricefx application. You can append to it a specific string pointing to e.g., Agreements/Promotions and create a link to this part of the application.$type
– Allows you to find out in which context you are: it is either Quote, Agreement/Promotion, Rebate Agreement, Deal Plan or Custom Form.
Instead of this variable you can also use one of the following five variables (isQuote
, etc.) – their usage is similar.$isQuote
– Allows you to customize the template for Quotes only. It returns true if$entity
is a Quote.$isContract
– Allows you to customize the template for Agreements/Promotions only. It returns true if$entity
is a Agreement/Promotion.$isRebateAgreement
– Allows you to customize the template for Rebate Agreements only. It returns true if$entity
is a Rebate Agreement.$isDealPlan
– Allows you to customize the template for Deal Plans only. It returns true if$entity
is a Deal Plan.$isCustomForm
– Allows you to customize the template for Custom Forms only. It returns true if$entity
is a Custom Form.$entity
– Contains the whole object of a Quote, Agreement/Promotion or Rebate Agreement (based on the context). See this Knowledge Base article to learn how to find out which fields are available for use for a specific object.$message
– Body of the message which you type in the Messages tab of e.g., a Quote.$msgEntity
– Object of the message. In a thread, there ismsgEntity
created for each message sent within the conversation. You can work with its fields such as sender, recipient, date of sending, message body etc.$workflow.externalActionToken
– A token allowing any user (workflow notification email recipient) to perform an action in the particular workflow step.$directActionEmail
– The user identity used for approval. The value is derived from user email on behalf of which the action will be done.
There are also message templates for:
General failure
Workflow failure
E-signature system notifications
Password expiry notifications
Notifications about Action items.
Links in Templates
The email body will typically contain a link to the document for which the message has been sent.
To configure a working link, make sure that they follow the correct pattern and use the correct variables. As page token, you can use typed ID for all document types.
Document Type | Link Pattern |
Quote |
Agreement/Promotion |
Price List |
Live Price Grid |
Rebate Agreement |
Rebate Calculation |
Rebate Record |
Data Change Request |
Ship and Debit Claim |
Deal Plan |
Action |
For Quotes, Agreements/Promotions and Rebate Agreements, use the above links that work both for the Ember and React UI versions.
With limitations, you can use other parameters as page tokens:
Document ID – You must, however, format it as integer for the link to work.
For example:$baseURL$/app/modules/?partition=partitionName#/pb/pricelists/$;format="#"$/detail
uniqueName – This parameter will not work for revisions as the revision number is appended to the unique name.
Advanced Links in Templates
From the version Rampur 13.0, message templates can benefit from combination of deep links and Context Linking.
You can combine parameters to open directly a specific tab on any CLIC object , for example:
Item tabs on a specific Quote: $baseURL$/app/modules/#/?targetPage=quotes&targetPageState=$quote.typedId$&targetPageTab=items
Theoretically, other context-linking parameters can be used this way as well, but not all of them were tested for this usage.
Template Texts and Localization
To support easier text customizations and localization of the templates, their content and formatting are separated (since Bijou 7.0).
All textual elements in the templates are represented by placeholders. These placeholders and their values (texts) are shipped and maintained as part of the product. In your custom templates you can use them or replace them with "real" text.
The default templates contain only HTML and styling information and text placeholders.
To ensure that the previous system (templates containing both formatting and content) keeps working, the following rules apply:
Template names stay as they are.
First the server loads customized language specific templates (e.g., quote_approvalRequired_fr).
If no customized template is found, the server will load the default template in a 3-step hierarchy:
Full template name as specified (e.g., quote_approvalRequired_fr)
Full template name without language suffix (e.g., quote_approvalRequired)
Template name without language suffix and without type prefix (e.g., approvalRequired)
It will then add the language-specific translations into the templating engine (plus the usual placeholders) and render it.
By default, the templates are available in the same languages as the application UI. You can also add other languages in the Add Language dialog (if you have provided the file for that language) and then simply switch between the template's language versions in the Language drop-down list. To determine, which language version will be used for a particular user, go to the User Admin section and select the appropriate language in 'Email Language'.
Customize Template
A default template is provided and can be changed by writing standard HTML code and using Pricefx fields. Make sure you keep the correct syntax.
In the message you can access data from the object which triggered sending the email message. For example, the method withDataMap(Map dataMap)
of the WorkflowDTO
object allows you to access any workflow related data at the time of submitting. (If data from later phases of the workflow are needed, use Workflow Post Step Logic.) To access data stored with the method withDataMap(Map dataMap)
in the message templates, you need to access the context variable workflowHistory.dataMap
Workflow code
def map = [test: "This is a test"]
Message template code
The template engine used here by the Pricefx application is StringTemplate, version 3.
To learn more about this engine see:
This will be replaced by the label of the Quote:
This block will be rendered conditionally:
(It works only with true values; it is not possible to use if( a == 'a'). This true/null element has to be visible in the line item logic on the Quotes.)
<b> Additional info about the Quote: </b>$quote.additionalInfo3$
Adding "&approve" or "&deny" to the document link approves/rejects the document immediately after clicking on the link, skipping the dialog where users can add a comment.
Replacing "approve" or "deny" in the document link with "form" displays a dialog with both Approve and Deny buttons.
If the $partition$
variable is not present, you can use $entity.partition$
where "entity" is to be replaced with the current object, e.g., $pricelist.partition$
When you check the JSON structure of the underlying item (using Chrome Developer tools), all attributes should be accessible through the $entity
reference. In addition, there are variables like $entity.partition
which are not visible in this JSON representation, but they are part of the object in the backend.
More advanced example: it iterates through line items and conditionally shows the line items with workflow with colors.
Enhanced email template
Quote $quote.uniqueName$ - $quote.label$ created by $quote.createdByName$ requires your approval.<br/><br/>
Quote details:
<b>Customer:</b> $quote.customerId$ $quote.CustomerName$<br/>
<b>Target date:</b> $quote.targetDate; format = "MM/dd/yyyy"$ <br/>
<b>Expiry date:</b> $quote.expiryDate; format = "MM/dd/yyyy"$<br/>
<b>Margin:</b> $quote.outputsMap.Margin.result;format = "##.##%"$<br/>
<b>Total Price:</b> $quote.outputsMap.TotalPrice.result;format = "#,###.####"$USD<br/>
<table style="border: 1px solid black;border-collapse: collapse;">
<th style="border: 1px solid black;" >Product</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid black;" >Quantity</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid black;" >Total Cost</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid black;" >Total Price</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid black;" >Margin</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid black;" >Δ List</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid black;" >Δ Target</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid black;" >Δ Floor</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid black;" >Is Index Product</th>
$quote.lineItems:{ item |
$if(item.outputsMap.hasWorkflow.result )$
<td style="background-color: #FE6464;border: 1px solid black;" width = "400">$item.sku$ - $item.label$</td>
<td style="background-color: #FE6464;border: 1px solid black;text-align:right">$item.outputsMap.Quantity.result;format = "#,###.####"$ $item.outputsMap.UoM.result$</td>
<td style="background-color: #FE6464;border: 1px solid black;text-align:right">$item.outputsMap.TotalCost.result;format = "#,###.####"$ $item.outputsMap.CustomerCurrency.result$</td>
<td style="background-color: #FE6464;border: 1px solid black;text-align:right">$item.outputsMap.TotalPrice.result;format = "#,###.####"$ $item.outputsMap.CustomerCurrency.result$</td>
<td style="background-color: #FE6464;border: 1px solid black;text-align:right">$item.outputsMap.Margin.result;format = "#,###.####"$ $item.outputsMap.CustomerCurrency.result$</td>
<td style="background-color: #FE6464;border: 1px solid black;">$item.outputsMap.DeltaList.result;format = "##.##%"$</td>
<td style="background-color: #FE6464;border: 1px solid black;">$item.outputsMap.DeltaTarget.result;format = "##.##%"$</td>
<td style="background-color: #FE6464;border: 1px solid black;">$item.outputsMap.DeltaFloor.result;format = "##.##%"$</td>
<td style="background-color: #FE6464;border: 1px solid black;">$item.outputsMap.IsIndexProduct.result$</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid black;" width = "400">$item.sku$ - $item.label$</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid black;text-align:right">$item.outputsMap.Quantity.result;format = "#,###.####"$ $item.outputsMap.UoM.result$</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid black;text-align:right">$item.outputsMap.TotalCost.result;format = "#,###.####"$ $item.outputsMap.CustomerCurrency.result$</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid black;text-align:right">$item.outputsMap.TotalPrice.result;format = "#,###.####"$ $item.outputsMap.CustomerCurrency.result$</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid black;text-align:right">$item.outputsMap.Margin.result;format = "#,###.####"$ $item.outputsMap.CustomerCurrency.result$</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid black;">$item.outputsMap.DeltaList.result;format = "##.##%"$</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid black;">$item.outputsMap.DeltaTarget.result;format = "##.##%"$</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid black;">$item.outputsMap.DeltaFloor.result;format = "##.##%"$</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid black;">$item.outputsMap.IsIndexProduct.result$</td>
Possible actions:<br/>
<A HREF = "$baseURL$/priceFxWeb.html?targetPage=priceShopPage&targetPageState=$quote.typedId$">View the quote in a browser <A/><br/>
or <br/>
<A HREF = "$quote.typedId$">View the quote in SFDC <A/><br/>
<A HREF = "$baseURL$/pricefx/$partition$/directaction/approve/$workflow.externalActionToken$?output=html">Approve the quote now<A/><br/>
<A HREF = "$baseURL$/pricefx/$partition$/directaction/deny/$workflow.externalActionToken$?output=html">Deny the quote now<A/><br/>
Note on Arrays
Sometimes you may have to do some work with arrays.
Typically, this type of work should not be done in the presentation layer, and so StringTemplate only has very limited support for this using the following functions: first()
, last()
, rest()
, trunc()
, strip()
and length()
. These functions can be used in conjunction with each other for more specific needs.
An example showing how to obtain a property of a Quote's first line item:
Accessing an array like array[index]
as you would expect is not possible.
There are however some workarounds, such as first(rest(array))
, which would return the second item in the array.
As you can see, this can quickly get messy, so the true solution would be to take such logic out of the presentation layer altogether if possible.
See also:
How can I show a workflow step comment in the email to all other following steps?
How can I format calculation results in email notifications?
How do I set direct approval/denial via email without intermediate step?
AppPages section in API documentation which lists constants used as the
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Pricefx version 14.0