Cypress Installation

Cypress Installation


After successful installation of the needed tools, we can clone an existing project. All dependencies and Cypress will be downloaded automatically.


  • correct permissions to Git repository (/qa-customer-solutions/e2e-automation.git)

  • installed Yarn on your PC

  • installed Cypress

The cleanest way

  1. Clone the https://gitlab.pricefx.eu/qa-customer-solutions/e2e-automation repository to your local drive by running the following command in your command line :

    git clone https://gitlab.pricefx.eu/qa-customer-solutions/e2e-automation.git
    git clone


  2. Step inside the newly created directory (e2e-automation) :

    cd e2e-automation
    go into the folder


  3. Install all the dependencies necessary:

    yarn install


  4. Now cypress with all dependencies should be installed and you can open cypress




  • you can clone repository by any git tool (or download directly in zip)

  • you can use different approach how to install cypress (download directly from their web, or using “npm install cypress”)

  • you can run cypress directly via icon, using command line is not mandatory

  • when it is not working, you can look at these approaches, how to install or you can ask your more senior colleague

  1. Onboarding with Cypress

  2. Getting Started

  3. https://pricefx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CUST/pages/2254700758


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