How to Create SSL Certificate

How to Create SSL Certificate

Aim of this article

This section shows how to create a new SSL certificate.

Related sections

Certificates (Reference Manual)

Required permissions

Integration Instance - Edit


  1. Go to Account > Integrations > specific integration > Certificates.

  2. Click New Certificate.

  3. Enter its name and type – Certificate, Key or Combined (both Certificate and Key in one body).

  4. Specify the Body:

    The certificate body must be in X.509 .PEM format (encoded using base64), enclosed between the following lines:
    Option 1


    Option 2

    -----BEGIN KEY----- -----END KEY-----


  5. Optional, but recommended: Switch Not Encrypted to Encrypted to encrypt the certificate.

  6. Click Deploy.

  7. To download the certificate you can use openssl:

    echo | openssl s_client -servername www.example.com -connect www.example.com:443 |sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > certificate.crt


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