How to Restrict Business Key Length

Aim of this article

This article shows how to restrict business key length if you get a warning during data upload that the limit of 3072 bytes was exceeded.

Business keys define unique ID of a record and they are used by the partition REST API loaddata endpoint. They can be defined in the partition UI or can be provided together with the loaddata payload. Business keys can consist of multiple attributes. Their length is defined by the underlying database.

Related sections

How to Upload Data to Partition (Reference Manual)

Required permissions

Partition Data Upload - Edit


  1. During the Data Upload process there is validation of the business key length. 

  2. If you select too many attributes, you get an exception: "Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes".

  3. You have these options: 

    • Restrict the length of individual attributes used in the business key.

    • Reduce the number of used attributes.

PlatformManager version 1.75.0