
The purpose of the module templates-tests (introduced in develop-im1.2.0-SNAPSHOT) is to test templates against sandboxed environment to check that the templates behave correctly.


For proper test execution, you will need to install Docker and access the integration-manager registry cregistry.pricefx.eu/platform/integration-manager. For details see .

What to Do When New Breaking Change Version Occurs

Most of the steps are described in . It is assumed that you are familiar with the steps and principles.

  • Make sure that all branches have the right Docker image to use.

    • It is okay that the latest develop branch uses the latest image of IM.

    • Ensure that older develop branches use the proper image of IM – preferably the same as specified in the branch name. E.g. branch develop-im1.2.0-SNAPSHOT should use the image 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT or 1.2.0.

What to change in the code:


@Shared static def imContainer = IMContainer.withDefaults('latest') .withLogConsumer(new Slf4jLogConsumer(log))



PlatformManager version 1.75.0