Non Approved Accelerators

Via Non Approved Accelerators you can upload your own packages. This type of Accelerators is accessible only if you have the Marketplace Non Approved – Deploy/Use global permission assigned.

Create New Accelerator

  1. For an Accelerator to be considered of the non approved type, it must have the properties.type field in its descriptor set to non_approved.
    This is the only condition for a Non Approved Accelerator, its format can follow the general rules for standard Accelerators.

  2. You can create/update the Accelerator programmatically, using a Maven deployment or using UI (the Update Template button in top right corner in Marketplace > Templates Management section).


  3. After you click the button, a dialog for deploying of an Accelerator in a JAR format opens.

Deploy Accelerator

To be able to deploy a Non Approved Accelerator, users need to have the Marketplace Non Approved – Deploy/Use global permission as well.

To be able to deploy any Accelerator on a partition, users need to have the Marketplace Templates - deploy permission assigned for the partition or account the partition is listed under.

All published Non Approved Accelerators are available in Marketplace.

All Accelerators are available in Marketplace > Templates Management section. For details see .


PlatformManager version 1.75.0