How to Deploy Accelerator Package

How to Deploy Accelerator Package

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Pricefx provides a number of Accelerators covering a wide range of functionalities. When deploying a specific Accelerator/Package via PlatformManager you will be guided through various steps in which you provide all information needed to make the Accelerator work (such as data upload, Datamart fields mapping, dashboard selection, waterfall configuration, rounding rules configuration, dependency configuration). Some other information is added by the system (such as exchange rates, conversion factors). As a result, you get an initialized Pricefx partition with an initial set of e.g. dashboards or other functionalities.

This article describes the general flow how to deploy an Accelerator/Package to a partition and also the most common specific steps used in the Accelerator deployment. Note that the steps can differ for each Accelerator. 

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Required permissions

  • Marketplace Templates - Deploy

  • If the package is owned by a specific account, you also need the account permission:

    • Account Accelerator - Deploy


  • For data consistency, it is possible to run only one Accelerator (Package) deployment on a specific partition at a time. A new deployment can only start after the previous one is finished or rollbacked.

  • If you cannot finish the Accelerator Package deployment, your progress is always saved. When you later trigger the deployment again, you are offered the following options:

    • Finish previous deployment

    • Rollback (for this you need the Marketplace Templates - Deploy permission)

    • Request termination


1.Make sure the correct account and partition are selected and you have defined a user who will connect to the partition (in Partition Access Entitlement).

  1. Go to PlatformManager at https://platform.pricefx.com/ and in the Marketplace find the package you want to deploy and click its tile. At the detail screen, set the following:

    • Select the Target Partition where the package should be deployed.

    • Select Accelerator Version to deploy. Generally, the best version is the last valid one.

    • Optionally, run Version Integrity Check to see whether the previous accelerator/package version at the partition was changed by anyone (e.g. the logic was modified). Then it is up to you whether to continue with the deployment and overwrite these changes or whether to cancel the deployment and verify and back up the changes first.
      Example of a result: 

    • Click Deploy.

3. There is a warning displayed that installing a new Accelerator may have a harmful impact on the selected partition. See the Accelerators documentation to understand which files and configuration will be deployed and thus overridden. Once you acknowledge the risks, you can proceed. 

4. (This step is not common and is used here for the purpose of illustration.)

Some Accelerators start the deployment with uploading your data in the CSV format (zipped or unzipped). It could be, for example, customers, products, transactions, dependency configuration, product segmentation. For details of a specific Accelerator see the Accelerators documentation

The preferred file encoding format is UTF-8.

If needed, you can download a sample file which will show you the expected file structure with mandatory fields.

 Steps shown at top right can be different for each package.

5. (This step is not common and is used here for the purpose of illustration.)

A sample from your data is displayed and you can specify the parsing options – what is used in your data file as a separator, quote and escape character, decimal separator and the date format. (The most common separators can be selected from a drop-down menu.)

You can also specify whether your CSV file has a header or not using the option Uploaded file contains header. If there is no header, generic header names “column1”, “column2”, etc. will be used.

The file is validated for correct types before the upload begins.

6. (This step is not common and is used here for the purpose of illustration.)

What follows with many Accelerators is to define Data Mapping – which fields from your CSV file correspond to the Pricefx mandatory fields.

In the data sample table in the header row, you can see information on the data type which PlatformManager detected using the first 3 rows. In some cases there can be a warning icon and hints: 

In this step, you can also manipulate the data in various ways after you click the tools  icon. For details see Advanced Field Editor.

7. (This step is not common and is used here for the purpose of illustration.)

For some Accelerators you also have the option to define Pricefx significant fields (not just the mandatory fields) where you are recommended to perform the mapping too, as it will improve your results. Those fields are typically currency and UOM.

8. (This step is not common and is used here for the purpose of illustration.)

Additionally, you can add your own custom fields in the Data Source.

For a new field you need to specify: Name, Label, Data type (Number, Quantity, Text, Date, Money, Currency, UOM, LOB, DateTime, Boolean, Integer).

Optionally you can specify: Format (text field, available only for Number, Money, Integer), Measure (Per Unit, Extended, Fixed), Dimension (true for Text fields, false for Date fields), Function (Key, Alt-key, Level).

 These fields are not persisted; when the Accelerator is used next time, these custom fields need to be defined again.

9. (This step is not common and is used here for the purpose of illustration.)

Define the mapping – which fields from your CSV file correspond to the Pricefx optional fields.

10. (This step is not common and is used here for the purpose of illustration.)

With some Accelerators you have the option to define your base currency and, optionally, also another reporting currency.

11. Depending on the Accelerator, there can be other steps to go through. Just follow the deployment wizard. 

Examples of such steps: 

  • Data source mapping

  • Dashboard selection

  • Waterfall configuration

  • Dependency configuration

  • Product segmentation

  • Simulation setup

  • Rebate types selection

  • Rounding rules configuration

For details follow the links at the bottom of this page.

 Some of the steps can be optional. You can skip them by clicking the link in the message. If you click Continue, you will proceed with the step.

12. The deployment process will upload the content of the Accelerator and the data to the partition. The duration is different for each Accelerator. If it takes too long, you can choose to be notified by email about the completed upload, and once you enable this option, you can close the browser. 

13. Your package is deployed at the partition. In the final screen there is a link which will take you to the partition. 

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PlatformManager version 1.80.0