Installation (Sales Insights)

Installation (Sales Insights)

This tutorial will guide you through the installation of the Sales Insights Accelerator.


Installation Steps

Select Partition for Deployment

  1. Go to PlatformManager at https://platform.pricefx.com/ and log in.

  2. Go to Marketplace and find the Sales Insights package.
    Note: There are three types of packages:

    • Sales Insights – full package

    • Sales Insights Dashboards – dashboards package, it skips data upload steps, there is no data mapping

    • Sales Insights Upgrade – upgrade package of any Sales Insights package

  3. Click the package tile, select the partition where you want to deploy the accelerator package and confirm the deployment dialog to start.

For detailed description of all deployment options, see PlatformManager documentation.

Go Through Deployment Steps

If you would like to skip loading of the transaction data, you can select the No, I want to use existing data on the partition option on the Deployment options screen.

Deployment Options Step

If you select this option you will skip the following steps:

You will forwarded directly to the Dashboard Selection step.

Dashboard Selection Step

1. Product Master Step







Click this button if you want to upload your product data.


Click this link if you want to use the existing product data on the partition.

2. Customer Master Step






Use Existing

Click this link if you want to use the existing customer data on the partition.


Click this link if you do not want to use the customer data. Then there is only the Product(s) input used and displayed after the deployment, there is no Customer(s) input filter.


Click this button if you want to upload your customer data.

3. Transaction Data Step







Click this button if you want to upload your transaction data.


Click this link if you want to use the existing transaction data on the partition.

4. Dashboard Selection Step

Select which dashboards you want to deploy into the partition.

5. Mapping and Configuration Step

The Sales Insights Dashboard requires certain data fields available in the Datamart. In this step you will select which fields of your Datamart contain certain specific pieces of data, e.g. product ID, customer ID, invoice price, etc. required by the dashboards.

Some of the data values are required, some of them are optional, and some are used only in specific dashboards.

In case you skipped the Customer Master step, please do not map the Customer ID and Customer Name field in this step. You also should have the Region, Country, City field in your Datamart if you want to use the Regional Revenue and Margin dashboard.
In the 1.12.0 release we have fixed the issue that user was not presented with the previous setting of the accelerator when it was deployed.

5.1 Revenue/Margin Breakdowns Definition

The Revenue/Margin Breakdowns definition field has been introduced in version 1.7.0. It identifies the formulas which are used to calculate the effect in breakdowns.







The previous formulas might be used for older versions or existing customers who still want to use it. The formula definitions can be found in the archived documentation of the previous versions (version 1.6.1 – chapter Revenue Breakdown Dashboard > Fields Definition, Margin Breakdown Dashboard > Fields Definition).

Standard (default)

The current and enhanced formulas used by default.
For more details see:

The settings are stored in Configuration > System Configuration > Advanced Configuration Options, under the option SIP_AdvancedConfiguration with the name "breakdownMode" and can be updated manually after the deployment.
Sample of SIP_AdvancedConfiguration:

{ "datamartName": "Standard_Sales_Data", "productId": "ProductId", "productName": "ProductName", "productGroup": "ProductGroup", "customerId": "customerId", "customerName": "CustomerName", "invoicePrice": "InvoicePrice", "quantity": "Quantity", "pricingDate": "PricingDate", "pricingDateYear": "PricingDateYear", "grossMargin": "GrossMargin", "continent": "Region", "country": "Country", "region": "City", "sector": "", "costs": "OtherCOGS", "productDimensions": ["ProductId", "ProductClass", "ProductGroup"], "customerDimensions": ["CustomerId", "Country", "Region", "CustomerClass"], "breakdownMode": "Standard" }

5.2 Period Over Period Dashboard Definition

The Period Over Period Dashboard uses calendar units (periods) based on a week definition. The starting day of a week can be configured by providing a value for the “Trailing periods - week’s starting day” input (default is Sunday).

6. Waterfall Configuration Step (Optional)







Click this button if you want to map the waterfall configuration.


Click this link if you do not want to map the waterfall configuration. In this case, the Waterfall and Comparison Waterfall dashboard will show no data after the deployment.

Map the waterfall configuration

a. Click Continue to configure the price waterfall elements to be used in the Waterfall dashboard.

b. Select the Datamart to be used for the Waterfall dashboard.

c. Once you selected the Datamart, the fields will appear. They are automatically pre-populated to guide you. Review the sample waterfall configuration, review your Datamart fields, and then continue with the next step.

d. Set up the waterfall chart elements according to your Datamart fields.

  • The value of the first price point element comes from a Datamart field, whereas the next price points (marked with Sum) are only virtual.

  • We marked one price point as Percent Basis, so if the user would like to see the waterfall chart in percentage scale (instead of money), such a price point will be 100% and all other waterfall elements will be proportional to that price point. Usually the reference List Price like Global List Price is set as Percent Basis.

  • We marked some adjustments as Reverse because their value stored in the Datamart is positive, but they should appear as negative adjustments.

  • We placed some adjustments into groups (they have the "plus" sign on the left), so that the user can collapse and expand them.


If you want to update/change the mapping, you can do it manually in Configuration > System Configuration > Advanced Configuration Options, under the option waterfall-configuration.

Sample of waterfall-configuration:

{ "waterfall-configuration": { "dataMart": "Standard_Sales_Data", "fields": [{ "name": "GlobalListPrice", "label": "Global List Price", "isSum": false, "isPercentBase": true, "disabled": false, "isSubtract": false }, { "name": null, "label": "Local Adjustments", "isSum": false, "isPercentBase": false, "disabled": false, "isSubtract": false, "subLevel": [{ "name": "ForeignExchangeAdjustment", "label": "Foreign Exchange Adjustment", "disabled": false, "isSubtract": true }, { "name": "LocalAdjustment", "label": "Local Adjustment", "disabled": false, "isSubtract": true } ] }, { "name": null, "label": "Local List Price", "isSum": true, "isPercentBase": false, "disabled": false, "isSubtract": false }, { "name": null, "label": "On-Invoice Discounts",

e. Once all waterfall chart elements are defined, click Continue. This process takes around a minute to finish.


It is possible to upgrade only used logics without making any changes to the configuration. In PlatformManager, navigate to Marketplace, and find the Sales Insights Dashboards package with the tag Upgrade. Once you deploy it, only logics are deployed, the configuration remains without changes.

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