Advanced Configuration Options (Approval Workflow)


Determines the workflow logic validity date based on the item effective date. If this option is checked, the date that drives the logic selection (= the "target date") will be the effective date of the quote, agreement & promotion or rebate agreement. Hence a date that could also be in the future. If it is unchecked, the target date of "now" (i.e. the point in time when the document was submitted) is used

Configured on page – Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > General Settings

See also – General Settings

Type – boolean


Disable Attachments. If set to true, it is not possible to attach documents to workflow emails.

Configured on page – Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > My Workflows

See also – Workflows Configuration

Type – boolean

Sample value – false


Enable submitter comment. For Quotes, Contracts, Rebate Agreements, Compensation Plans or Price Lists, you can allow users to optionally enter comments when they submit the document.

Configured on page – Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > My Workflows

See also – Workflows Configuration

Type – json array

Sample value – [ "Q", "CT", "RBA", "CO", "PL" ]


Allows you to predefine reasons for denial which are then shown to users who deny items in Live Price Grids.

Configured on page – Administration > Configuration > Price Setting > Denial Reasons (LPG)

See also – Denial Reasons (LPG)

Type – json object

Sample value – {
    "denialReasonsOptional" : false,
    "displayOther" : true,
    "reasons" : [ "R1", "R2", "R3" ]


Allows you to run a Workflow Post Step Logic even when there is no workflow defined. This can be useful when you want to take advantage of the logic context built around the workflow, yet you do not need the approval workflow.

See also – Workflow Post Step Logic

Type – json object

Sample value – { "pricegriditem" : "PostStepLogic_PriceGridItem" }


Allows you to define at the partition level the list of portlets that will be displayed on the Home page.

Configured on page – Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Home Page

See also – Home Page

Type – json array

Sample value – [


If set to true, document creation workflow templates are disabled.

Configured on page – Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > My Workflows

See also – Document Creation Workflow

Type – json object

Sample value – {
    "approvalRequired" : true,
    "stepApproved" : true,
    "stepDenied" : true,
    "workflowApproved" : true,
    "approvalDelegated" : true,
    "creationWorkflowStepAssigned" : true,
    "creationWorkflowFinished" : true,
    "quoteConverted" : true,
    "pendingWorkflowsSummary" : true


Generation of daily summary (hour of the day). Determines if a summary email listing all the new pending approvals is sent or not.

Configured on page – Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > My Workflows

Type – number

Sample value – 23


Email Frequency (Minutes). Specifies an interval at the end of which a summary email listing all the new pending approvals is sent. This option is disabled if left empty

Configured on page – Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > My Workflows

Type – number

Sample value – 59

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