
The Approval Workflow can be assigned to one of the following objects/documents:

  • calculationgriditem – Calculation Grid Item

  • claim – Claim

  • compensation – Sales Compensation Plan

  • compensationrecord – Sales Compensation Record

  • contract – Agreements & Promotion

  • customform – Custom Form

  • dcr – Data Change Request

  • model – Optimization Model

  • modelrecord – Optimization Model Record

  • pricegriditem – Live Price Grid Item

  • pricelist – Price List

  • quote – Quote

  • rebateagreement – Rebate Agreement

  • rebaterecord – Rebate Record

  • rebaterecordgroup – Rebate Record Group (from version 12.0)

Note: For the workflow to work, the logic name has to be the same as the WorkflowType value (except for Quotes).


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