Advanced Configuration Options (Contracts)


If checked, the Contract’s header logic is executed right after the Contract is created (i.e. before the user can see it).

Configured on page – Administration > Configuration > Agreements & Promotions > General Settings

See also – PromotionManager General Settings

Type – boolean

Sample value – true


Async actions threshold. The number of items for which it is necessary run Submit, Recalculation, etc as asynchronously actions. Default value is 100. For forcing always async actions use 0.

Type – number

Sample value – 100


Sets the Contracts prefix in their name. The default is C.

Type – text

Sample value – C-


Allows you to add a string of your choice between the Contract unique name and the revision number. The default value of this option is $uniqueName$-REV-$revId$.

Type – text

Sample value – $uniqueName$-REV-$revId$


Defines templates for Contract mass update jobs.

Configured on page – Administration > Configuration > Agreements & Promotions > Mass Update Templates

See also – Contract Mass Update Templates

Type – json object


Name of the Logic. Defines a calculation logic used at the contract header level.

Configured on page – Administration > Logics > Header Logics > Agreements & promotions

See also – Contract Header Logics

Type – text

Sample value – ContractHeaderLogic


Default Condition Filter Logic to be used for Agreement & Promotion, when no specific Agreement&Promotion Condition Filter logic is set up on Agreement&Promotion Type.

Configured on page – Administration > Logics > Filter Logics > Agreements & Promotions - Condition Types

See also – Agreement&Promotions - Condition Types Filter Logics

Type – text

Sample value – AgreementAndPromotionPlanConditionTypeFilterLogic


Sets which objects will be assigned the same default user groups as the creator has.

Configured on page – Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Entitlements

See also – Entitlements

Type – json object

Sample value – {
    "quote" : true, 
    "contract" : true, 
    "rebateAgreement" : true, 
    "compensation" : false,
    "pricelist" : true, 
    "manualPricelist" : true, 
    "priceGrid" : false, 
    "simulation" : false, 
    "lookupTable" : false, 
    "dataChangeRequest" : false


Allows you to hide the icon for downloading objects (e.g. Quotes, Contracts) in the DOCX format.

See also – How to Hide Download DOCX Icon

Type – boolean

Sample value – true


Submit on Creation WF finish and restart the last state when denied or withdrawn. If enabled, Contract is submitted automatically when document creation WF is finished. If the Contract is rejected in the approval process, the creation workflow is restarted at its last step allowing further work on the document.

Configured on page – Administration > Configuration > Agreements & Promotions > General Settings

See also – Creation Workflow

Type – boolean

Sample value – true


Deprecated since version 13.0. Whether Price Records or Condition Records are created is driven by the JSON definition of the Agreement & Promotion Type.

When this property is set to True, the system modifies the export behavior for Contracts. Instead of creating a Price Record for each line item automatically, the system enables the recalculation of an approved Contract. During this recalculation, it executes the line item logic to generate Contract Price Records. It also allows access to a page where the configuration engineer can schedule automated recalculations for those Contract Price Records. By default the value is False.

Type – boolean

Sample value – false


Enable submitter comment. For Quotes, Contracts, Rebate Agreements, Compensation Plans or Price Lists, you can allow users to optionally enter comments when they submit the document.

Configured on page – Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > My Workflows

See also – Workflows Configuration

Type – json array

Sample value – [ "Q", "CT", "RBA", "CO", "PL" ]


Switch to eventually consistent OBJREFs after AP/RBA save, new revision and copy. If enabled, OBJREFs generation is left to a background job that will be scheduled immediately on save, new revision and copy of Agreements & Promotions and Rebate Agreements.

Type – boolean

Sample value – false


Allows you to disable the creation of OBJREF tasks for line items after a Contract or Rebate Agreement is saved or submitted.

Configured on page – Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > General Settings

See also – General Settings

Type – boolean

Sample value – false


Specifies Excel or Word templates used for publishing documents to XLSX, PDF or DOC formats. You need to specify the type by adding a suffix: "publishingTemplates_Q" (Q for quotes; others respectively).

Configured on page – Administration > Configuration > Templates > Publishing Templates

See also – Publishing Templates

Type – json object

Sample value – { "templates" : [ ] }


Run document creation workflow logic on save. If set to true, the creation workflow logic is executed right after a Contract is saved. Can be enabled only when Autosave is switched on.

Configured on page – Administration > Configuration > Agreements & Promotions > General Settings

Type – boolean

Sample value – true


If set to true, a new Contract is calculated immediately after saving.

Configured on page – Administration > Configuration > Agreements & Promotions > General Settings

Type – boolean

Sample value – true


If set to true, a new revision of Q/RBA/CT is not recalculated immediately. You need to specify the type by adding a suffix: "skipRevisionRecalc_Q" (Q for quotes; others respectively).

See also – Quote Actions

Type – boolean


Allows you to define at the partition level the list of portlets that will be displayed on the Home page.

Configured on page – Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Home Page

See also – Home Page

Type – json array

Sample value – [


If set to true, during submit the system updates ObjRefs for header Customer Group right away on save (synchronously). See PFUN-8055.

Type – boolean

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