Price Record Creation Process (Contract)
Price Record Creation Process (Contract)
Price Records are automatically generated after the Promotion Contract is approved.
Mapping of Promotion Contract to Price Record
Copying data from a contract to a price record is done automatically by the system, based on mapping.
Figure 1. Sample of mapping of fields from Contract (CT) and Contract Line Item (CTLI) to Price Record (PR)
This mapping is:
Built-in for the built-in fields.
Configurable for attribute# fields.
Mapping is set up by matching names of the input/result on CTLI and attribute name on the PR.
Source Object | Source Field Name | Destination Price Record Field |
CT | uniqueName | sourceId |
CT | rootUniqueName | sourceIdNoRev |
CT | externalRef | externalRef |
CTLI | startDate | validAfter |
CTLI | endDate | expiryDate |
CTLI | lineId | lineId |
CTLI | productGroup | productGroup |
CTLI | customerGroup | customerGroup |
CTLI | label | label |
CTLI | inputs.* | attribute# |
CTLI | outputs.* | attribute# |
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