How can I implement a relay state that defines a specific locale?
A relay state is basically just a token to select a redirect target after successful authentication (i.e., after the SAML/consume URL is called).
The name of the relay state is arbitrary and can be anything (it should contain only letters, no whitespaces).
If a relay state is not found or none is declared, it uses the default target which is:
So you could set up states like:
localeDE : /app/?locale=de&uiLanguage=de
localeEN: /app/?locale=en-us&uiLanguage=en-us
Now you need to add the state name into the login process. Here it depends where it starts.
If you start off the sign-on URL, you just append it to the URL:
If it is IdP triggered, the IdP configuration needs to have that “RelayState=localeDE” in its consume URL.
See also How to Set language and Locale via URL.
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