

Used when you have already defined an SFTP connection.













Defines a name of the connection to use to connect to the SFTP server.


Connect to SFTP using predefined connection:

<route>     <from uri="pfx-sftp:parameters?connection=mySftpConnection&doneFileName=fileConn.done"/>     <log message="Raw file = ${body}"/>                       <to uri="mock:test"/> </route>


Usage in a from endpoint:

<from uri="pfx-sftp:parameters?connection={{sftp.connection}}&amp;directory={{sftp.directory}}&amp;delete=true&amp;streamDownload=true&amp;stepwise=false&amp;useUserKnownHostsFile=false"/>


  • directory={{sftp.directory}} – Specifies a remote directory from which files should be consumed. The value is set using the {{sftp.directory}} placeholder, indicating that the actual directory will be provided at runtime, through configuration properties.

  • delete=true – Indicates that files should be deleted from the remote directory after they have been successfully consumed.

  • streamDownload=true – Configures the endpoint to download files using streaming, which can be beneficial for large files as it avoids loading the entire file into memory.

  • stepwise=false – Specifies that subdirectories should not be traversed recursively. Only files directly within the specified directory should be processed.

  • useUserKnownHostsFile=false – Disables the use of the user-known-hosts file for host verification. This might be useful in some scenarios where strict host key checking is not required.


Usage in a to endpoint:

<to uri="pfx-sftp:parameters?connection={{sftp.connection}}&amp;fileName=/${header.lpg_file_name}&amp;useUserKnownHostsFile=false&amp;doneFileName=%24%7Bfile:name%7D.done&amp;fileExist=Append"/>
  • fileName=/${header.lpg_file_name} – Specifies the name of the file to be sent to the remote SFTP server. The value is set dynamically using the ${header.lpg_file_name} header, indicating that the file name will be obtained from the specified header at runtime.

  • useUserKnownHostsFile=false – Disables the use of the user-known-hosts file for host verification. This might be useful in scenarios where strict host key checking is not required.

  • doneFileName=%24%7Bfile:name%7D.done – Specifies a file with the extension ".done" that signals the completion of the file transfer. The file name is based on the original file name with the ".done" extension appended. The %24%7Bfile:name%7D part is URL-encoded for ${file:name}, which represents the original file's name.

  • fileExist=Append – Specifies the behavior when a file with the same name already exists on the remote server. In this case, it is set to append data to the existing file.


IntegrationManager version 6.0.0