pfx-rest Component

pfx-rest Component

This component is used for REST API manipulation with authentication handling.

URI format



Available methods:

Compatible connections:

Unknown Properties

Unknown properties are handled as query parameters. For details see the section below.

An exception is when using the method system – in this case, unknown properties are handled as properties.


  • Supported authentication methods: OAuth2, JWT, Basic, no auth. Newly, there is support for authentication over the Pricefx connection against Pricefx system calls (defined Pricefx connection is transformed to Basic authentication).

  • The connection must be defined in the application if a protected resource is accessed. For public resources, the connection is not required.

  • The component deals mainly with accessing the resource and providing raw data without any transformations. If e.g. the resource API uses pagination, you must handle that by yourself.

  • The component itself is the producer, thus must be used in to routes.






  • Issue with sharing context fixed

  • Query parameters simplified


  • Component introduced

Component Usage

The component can be used in a wide range of use cases. The most common ones are listed here.



When you need to debug the pfx-rest component, we are talking about making payloads (request and response) visible in the logs. For such thing to happen, you need to set logger level of net.pricefx.integration.audit.loggers.TraceLoggerto TRACE value on your IntegrationManager (or set adequate property logging.level.net.pricefx.integration.audit.loggers.TraceLogger=TRACE in property file).

When this happens, the payloads would appear in the Log History tab of PlatformManager. The data itself are logged into ELK and would not appear in standard log.


There are two ways to add custom headers to the final request. 

Headers from Connection

If you want to use headers from the connection, specify them in the connection definition.

Example with an XML bean configuration:

Example input
<bean id="myConnection" class="net.pricefx.integration.component.rest.domain.connection.BasicConnection"> <property name="headers" ref="headersMap"/> </bean> <util:map id="headersMap" map-class="java.util.HashMap" key-type="java.lang.String" value-type="java.lang.String"> <entry key="accept" value="application/json"/> <entry key="myHeader" value="myValue"/> </util:map>

The above configuration will yield into a request with the following headers:

Example input
accept = 'application/json' myHeader = 'myValue'

Headers from Exchange

If you want headers from the exchange to be sent into HTTP endpoints, prefix them with pfx-rest.. Headers without pfx.rest. will be ignored.

Example input
pfx-rest.accept = 'application/json' pfx-rest.myHeader = 'myValue'

These exchange parameters will be transferred into the following headers:

Example input

The request will then be sent with the above headers (plus also other generated headers – authorization etc.).

 Headers from the exchange have precedence over headers from the connection.

Content Decoding

It is possible to have encoded responses automatically decoded. To do so, set the parameter autoDecode to true (which is the default).

The encoded response has a header parameter content-encoding set to some value. 

If you want to get a raw encoded response, set autoDecode to false. You will get a base64 representation of the encoded data.

Multipart File Upload

It is possible to upload a file from a resource using the Multipart upload. It has two features:

  • Exchange body must be of the type java.nio.file.Path and must have a path to the resource.

  • Query parameters provided to pfx-rest will be put into the body instead of the URL.


Lets assume we have the following cURL request:

This request could be transformed into the following pfx-rest definition in a route (omitting authorization):

With body definition:

Then pfx-rest will create an adequate request as with cURL.

Using Component with URI Parameters

As mentioned earlier, unknown parameters are taken as query parameters. These query parameters are appended to the final request made to the server.

Example with an unknown parameters set:

Example input

Parameters $top and $expand are not defined parameters of this component and will be treated as query parameters.

Final request:

Example input


  • Order of query parameters is not guaranteed.

  • You must encode such parameters according to the Camel requirements. Encoding to URL is made automatically by the component.

 When uploading a file using the Multipart file upload, query parameters are treated as form parameters and will be present in the body instead of the URL.

IntegrationManager version 6.0.0