Aggregations are used in Aggregation EIP to perform required grouping.
Explicit configuration is not enabled.
Auto Configuration
The following aggregations are started by auto-configuration as Spring beans. If a bean with the same name and the same type exists in the Spring context, this aggregation is not started.
Class | Bean Name | Description |
net.pricefx.integration.aggregation.AggregateToList | aggregateToList | Aggregates exchanges into a list. |
net.pricefx.integration.aggregation.EnrichPricingParameterIdAggregationStrategy | enrichPricingParameterIdAggregationStrategy | Copies a header from newExhange to oldExchange to keep the pricing parameter id. |
net.pricefx.integration.aggregation.PropagateFailureAggregationToListStrategy | propagateFailureAggregationToListStrategy | Propagates exceptions to newExchange. |
net.pricefx.integration.aggregation.RecordsCountAggregation | recordsCountAggregation | Aggregates records count. |
org.apache.camel.processor.ClaimCheckAggregationStrategy | claimCheckAggregationStrategy | Default AggregationStrategy used by the ClaimCheckProcessor EIP. |
org.apache.camel.builder.FlexibleAggregationStrategy | flexibleAggregationStrategy | Flexible Aggregation Strategy is a highly customizable, fluently configurable aggregation strategy. It allows you |
org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.GroupedBodyAggregationStrategy | groupedBodyAggregationStrategy | Aggregates the body of an input Message into a single combined Exchange holding all the aggregated bodies in a List of the type Object as the message body. |
org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.GroupedExchangeAggregationStrategy | groupedExchangeAggregationStrategy | Aggregates all exchanges into a single combined Exchange holding all the aggregated exchanges in a List of |
org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.GroupedMessageAggregationStrategy | groupedMessageAggregationStrategy | Aggregates all Message into a single combined Exchange holding all the aggregated messages in a List |
org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.StringAggregationStrategy | stringAggregationStrategy | Aggregates the result of a pick expression into a single combined Exchange holding all the aggregated bodies in a |
org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.UseLatestAggregationStrategy | useLatestAggregationStrategy | An AggregationStrategy which just uses the latest exchange which is useful for status messages where old |
org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.UseOriginalAggregationStrategy | useOriginalAggregationStrategy | An AggregationStrategy which just uses the original exchange which can be needed when you want to preserve |
org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.zipfile.ZipAggregationStrategy | zipAggregationStrategy | Aggregates all incoming messages into a ZIP file. |
Property | Default Value | Description |
integration.aggregations.enabled | true | If false, the aggregations are not started automatically. |
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IntegrationManager version 6.0.0