Training Readiness

IMPORTANT: This course contains numerous hands-on exercises and activities, therefore please ensure that you have the necessary prerequisite knowledge and have the necessary tools loaded in your environment for this training.


This series will continue to utilize the Pricefx partition that you received for the IE Foundation series. You will receive this email when you register for the IE Foundation ILT series. 

Training Prerequisite

  • IE Prerequisites series

  • IE Foundation ILT

  • IE Foundation Case Study

Ensure you have basic knowledge of the following:

  • PlatformManager

  • IntegrationManager

  • IM Inbound & Outbound Templates

  • Creation of IM Routes

  • Creation of IM Connections (Partition & SFTP)

  • Data Mappings

  • Product, Customer & their extensions

  • Data Source & Data Marts

Installation and Set-Up: 

  • Java OpenJDK 11 or better

  • Apache Maven v3.5.3 or better

  • PlatformManager login with the ability to create partition and IntegrationManager instance

  • IntelliJ Community Edition

  • WinSCP

  • Gitlab account

NOTE: If you have any inquiries regarding the content in this learning path, you can utilize the following online Pricefx forums: AskPricefx community or Pricefx GenAI chatbot.