Partner Integration Engineering Learning Path
This training is a PAID service and will be invoiced upon registration. For the latest price list, please visit this page.
What background is expected for this training program:
Currently, the Integration Engineering program learning path is a short two-day ( 4 hours per day ) program intended to provide the student with information needed to build and maintain integrations between Pricefx and outside systems. Once the ILT training is accomplished, the students can take a certification exam.
Note that the training on day 2 of this learning path significantly differs from day 1 in that a much more robust technical background is typically desirable.
Day 1 training
What is covered
Pricefx Platform Manager tool and the associated Integration Manager tool.
Concepts of Pricefx Integration Templates to integrate non-Pricefx systems into the Pricefx environment.
Configuring and testing basic integrations
Recommended student background
Day 1 requires a minimal technical background and is suitable for students with solid development experience. The recommended student knowledge is an understanding of the basic concepts of Integration challenges ( different table/column structures between disparate systems, different file types used for export/import of data between systems, additional transport requirements for export/import of data between systems)
Day 2 training
What is covered
Pricefx Integration Templates affect data integration between Pricefx and other systems—discussing available templates and usage recommendations.
Configuration / Selection of the default Pricefx Integration Templates for integration-specific needs ( SAP, SalesForce, CSV-based integrations, File based integrations, etc. ). Pricefx recommendations for integration.
Modification of the Pricefx Integration Templates to accommodate business-specific requirements
Usage of GitHub to access the Pricefx Integration Templates
Use IntelliJ Idea to manipulate, adjust, and test modifications to the Pricefx Integration Templates.
Running Pricefx integrations from a local development environment
Recommended student background
Basic requirements outlined for Day 1 students
Professional programming experience of at least two years of object-oriented programming, ideally Java, Groovy, or C++.
Understand data structures (Arrays, Maps, etc.), algorithmising and coding skills (variables, loops, conditions), and Groovy language features (syntax, operators, closures).
Solid working knowledge of a modern IDE (IntelliJ Idea or other) and GIT (feature branches, checkout, pull, push, commit, rebase, amend, merge, stash).
Good understanding of the Apache Camel integration framework. Specifically, the XML DSL variant.
The expected outcome of the Integration Engineer program:
The candidate shall be able to work with the Platform Manager tool to create Integration Manager instances and associated Integration Routes. Routes are the basic framework for integrating outside systems with Pricefx. More specifically, routes refer to an Apache Camel-based construct that Apache Camel based construct which enables disparate systems to communicate with a minimum of configuration.
The candidate will understand the steps to customize the Pricefx Template-based Routes.
The candidate will understand the location and the proper way to access the various code components created after implementing a Template in a partition and how to assign permissions to access the various code components created after implementing a Template in a partition.
The candidate will understand the need for Data Cleansing before implementing a Template-based route.
The detailed steps associated with the Integration Engineering Learning Path (IELP)
Step 1: Student Preparation
The prospective student should ensure that they understand the purpose of the IELP and the requisite knowledge required to engage with the course successfully. Note that Self-study ( versus instructor-led) versions of these courses are available.
Recommended Knowledge Base materials for basic Pricefx preparation:
Administration in Unity environment - very strongly recommended.
Recommended Learning Management System courses:
The Configuration Engineering Learning Path provides the student with a detailed understanding of the basic development elements in the Pricefx environment. It serves as a foundation for many of the subsequent technical classes.
Self Study - assumed knowledge.
Working with a modern IDE ( Eclipse, IntelliJ, etc. )
Comfort level with XML structures
Very comfortable with Java, C, C++, or Groovy
Experience using both Git for source code repository management and Maven for build projects.
Familiar with and comfortable working in a GitLab environment. In particular, they should be aware of the process for creating and managing Git branches.
Basic understanding of Apache Camel syntax and components
Apache Camel is foundational to the Pricefx Integration Manager (IM) and the Template-based integrations managed by IM. Pricefx strongly encourages students to be familiar with this framework before the second day of class.
Step 2: Enroll in Integration Engineering and prepare for class
The student selects the following link to navigate to the registration page for the Integration Engineering class : Registration Link . Additional information related to the course may be found at the following link.
Students ensure they have selected a specific Month to attend the training session.
The student installs the requisite class tools.
Install Open JDK 18.
Install Groovy3.x - (How to install)
Install IntelliJ Idea (Community edition, with JBR11) - (How to install)
Install Pricefx Studio Plugin for IntelliJ ( see IntelliJ Marketplace ).
Install an SFTP client and understand how to use ( i.e. WinSCP )
Student verifies they have access to a Unity Training partition ( i.e. one used for Configuration Engineering class )
Student verifies they have access to Platform Manager Training account ( )
Step 3: The student attends the class
The Integration Engineering class is currently a two 2 class, 4 hours each day. As mentioned earlier, this class does not require a solid technical background for day 1 of the course; however, for day 2, a careful review of Step 1 - Student Preparation should be made.
Step 4: Pricefx Integration Engineering Certification
Student enrolls in the Pricefx Integration Engineer Certification Exam. This exam is allocated a 5-hour timeframe and will cover primarily the Pricefx Integration Manager Templating topics covered in the 2-day course. Note that the exam is in 2 parts, with the first part being the actual development of the required Routes and the second part a one-on-one interview with the exam proctor where questions will be asked of the student to ensure a satisfactory level of comprehension of the subject of Pricefx Integration related topics.
Details on the process for IE Exam Certification scheduling, exam content and exam preparation may be found in this ASK question. Note that you must be registered on and logged in to ASK to follow the provided link.
Important Note: You must complete your Certification Exam within 60 days of the completion of the class in order to not pay for the Certification process. Certification exams taken after the 60 day period will result in an additional Exam fee.
Step 5: Post Certification
Deep dive into the custom solution (if existing project)
Shadowing of the Pricefx team (if ongoing project)