Value Estimator Configurations
Value Estimator configurations are stored in the ValueEstimator_Configurations Company Parameter Values.
Configuration Name | Default Value | Description |
Our Solution Name | Our Solution | Name for our solution |
Our Solution Price | OurCompanyQuotePrice | Input/output name on the quote to get the price |
Currency | None | Currency will not be displayed if set to "None"; otherwise, its value will be used as the default currency. By default, the currency is obtained from the customer attribute; if not defined there, the default currency configuration is used instead. When it comes to displaying the currency symbol or code, the currency symbol takes priority over the currency code. |
Customer Currency Field |
| Customer master attribute which contains the currency information. |
Currency Table Name |
| Name of the PP table which contains currency symbol, columns mapping defined in other configurations:
Currency Code Field |
| The column name contains currency code. |
Currency Symbol Field |
| The column name contains currency symbol. |
Show Driver Description Control |
| Values: Yes, No |
Label Alignment Threshold | 10000000000 | The data labels will be aligned to the left when the maximum value in the data exceeds the threshold, otherwise it will be aligned to the right. Applicable for these outputs: Value Overview, Price Savings, Calculation Results |
Max Order Value | 1 |
Min Order Value | 99 |
Relative Drivers Max Value | 10 |
Services Model Current Solution Name | Current Status |
Services Model Current Solution Price Label | Current Run Rate Cost of Operating |
Services Model Our Solution Name | Our Solution |
Show Driver Description Control | Yes |
Chart Value Scaling | CUT | Defines the scaling method to be applied to the comparison waterfall for the sake of clear illustration even in case the ratio between the highest and lowest value in the chart is too high. Currently, the only applicable method/value is CUT. |
Direct Offering Comparison Model Our Solution Name | Our Solution |
Allow Value Equivalence | NO | Conditional availability of the Value Equivalence output in the Calculation Results. Possible values: YES, NO |
Value Estimator provides a couple of drivers and attributes templates. You can add your own templates as well.
Templates are stored in the ValueEstimator_DriverTemplates (drivers) and ValueEstimator_DriverTemplateAttributes (driver attributes) Company Parameter Values.
Defines template driver details.
Column Name | Description |
Template Name | Name of “Value Drivers Template” |
Driver Name | Name of “Value Drivers” |
Driver Type | Values: Cost, Profit |
Formula | Consists of variables defined in PP ValueEstimator_DriverTemplateAttributes |
Description | Text describing the Value Driver |
Value | Default value for Value Driver |
Status | Values: Active, Inactive. (Leave it empty = Active) |
Driver Order | Default order of Drivers applied in case ‘Specify The Order Of Drivers’ option is set. |
Model | Specifies the model the Driver can be exclusively applied to. Possible values: Services Model, Direct Offering Comparison or leaving this field empty which means the Driver can be applied within both models. |
Template Order | Default order of Drivers applied in case ‘Specify The Order Of Drivers’ option is set. |
Driver Class | Specifies the class the Driver can be exclusively applied to. Possible values: Absolute, Relative or leaving this field empty which means the Driver can be applied within both models. |
Weight | A default % weight applied to the Relative drivers. |
Defines template driver attributes details.
Column Name | Description |
Template Name | Name of “Value Drivers Template” |
Driver Name | Name of “Value Drivers” |
Attribute Name | Name of “Driver Attributes” |
Value | Default value for the Driver Attribute |
Variable | Variable used in Driver Formula |
Description | Text describing a particular Value Attribute |
Status | Values: Active, Inactive. (Leave it empty = Active) |
Weight | A default % weight applied to the Attributes of Relative drivers. |
Pricing Strategy
The pricing strategy can be defined in the ValueEstimator_PricingStrategy Company Parameter Values.
Column Name | Description |
Name | Name of pricing strategy |
Min % | Minimum percentage value |
Max % | Maximum percentage value |