Plasma Quote Data Availability
Before proceeding with the Plasma deployment, make sure the quotes data have all the required fields, such as InvoicePrice (Revenue), Cost and/or Margin, Quantity, Currency, SellingFrom, SellingTo.
The values should be extended (not perUnit). If cost is not present, it can be calculated from margin and vice versa (InvoicePrice - Cost = Margin).
If SellingFrom/SellingTo regions are not available in the quotes data, but in some other table, it can be mapped later in the Quote Enrichment step.
TargetPrice mapping is recommended to calculate the boundaries/guidelines. If TargetPrice is not available, boundaries/guidelines will be set based on the approval workflow.
When TargetPrice is present: If InvoicePrice > TargetPrice, then the quote is within the boundaries/guidelines. Else the quote is outside the boundaries/guidelines.
When TargetPrice is not available:
If there is approval workflow based on some conditions: All quotes that went through approval workflow are outside the guidelines/boundaries; all quotes where approval is not required are within the guidelines/boundaries.
If there is the default approval workflow or no approval workflow: Quotes are within or outside the guidelines/boundaries based on the company’s quoting policy.