Waterfall - Calculation Process (Price Setting)

Waterfall - Calculation Process (Price Setting)

The Price Setting Package calculation process consists of several steps.


  1. Parent Level Price (only in Dependent price lists) – A price coming from the “parent” price list is copied.

  2. Level Adjustment – An adjustment is applied to the price coming from the parent price list.

  3. Calculated Price – The Pricing Strategy (either the out-of-the-box or custom one) calculates the price.

    • In the dependent price list, you will also find the prices from the parent price list adjusted by an level adjustment.

  4. Volume discount is applied (only when you use Volume Discounting).

  5. Rounding is applied (either standard rounding to 2 decimal places or special one configured in Price Setting Package).

  6. Final List Price is calculated. When using Net Pricing, this price represents the Gross Price.

  7. Discount is applied to the Final List Price. This is used only for Net Pricing.

  8. Final Price is calculated. When using Net Pricing, this price represents the Net Price.

  9. Product cost is deducted.

  10. Margin is calculated.