StrategyDefinition PP

Colum Name



Colum Name



Strategy Name

{user friendly name of the strategy}

e.g. "CostPlus"


  • Independent

  • Dependent

Determines if the strategy can be calculated at independent/dependent level. If you need it for both, then create two entries with different values here.

Parent Level Only

  • Yes

  • No

If Yes, parent level results of this strategy will not be shown on dependent level PG/PL.

Parent Level Priority

  • Yes

  • No

If Yes, this strategy will be above the dependent level results on a dependent level PG/PL.


  • Yes

  • No

If No and this strategy is the most important for the product represented by the given lookup keys, it is not possible to override the price through exception tables and manual overrides, regardless of exception configuration.

Mandatory Strategy

  • Yes

  • No

Default value: No

If yes, calculate price for this strategy even if stop flag found in (Base)StrategySelection