Mandatory Data (Price Setting)

This is a list of mandatory and optional data for the Price Setting Package. It helps you identify what data you need from the customer to set up and configure the package.

You can start with requirements for Core (Product Data) and at least mandatory data for one pricing strategy.




Mandatory for Use Case




Mandatory for Use Case

Master Data


  • SKU

  • Field(s) to be used as Lookup Key


Technically SKU could be SKU, but this would probably make no sense – you could completely “skip” the lookup key concept by defining SKU as the only Lookup Key Dimension and configure everything with the “*” value.

Product Cost


  • SKU

  • Cost

  • Pricing Level Identifier (e.g. Country)


  • Validity Period

  • Currency

Pricing Strategy: Cost+

Margin Calculation / Margin Checks

Advanced Cost Definition

Per Advanced Cost type:

  • The same as Product Cost

  • Optionally, you can use SUM, AVG when you want to use multiple cost entries and combine them into one

Advanced Cost Module

Discount Structure

Discount Groups and Discount Values

Pricing on List Price → Net Price level

Exchange Rates

Currency and Conversion Rates

Dependent pricing in different currencies

Competition Data


  • SKU

  • Competition Price


  • Competitor Name

  • Validity Dates

  • Currency

  • Relevant Competition Definition

All Competition Based Pricing Strategies

Price List Data

  • SKU

  • Pricing Level (Country, Global, Channel, …)

Initial Prices

All checks and KPI regarding price increase

Pricing Strategy: Price Increase

Stock Data

  • SKU

  • Pricing Level Identifier (e.g. Country)

  • Stock


  • Validity Dates

KPI Days of Cover (DoC)

DoC related Pricing Strategies

Product References

  • SKU

  • Reference SKU

Pricing Strategies: Anchor Pricing, Attribute Based Pricing

BoM (Kit List)

  • SKU

  • Sub-Component SKU

  • Quantity

Pricing Strategy: Kit Pricing

Business Data

Plus for Product

  • Lookup Key

  • Plus %

Pricing Strategy: Cost+

Price Increase

  • Lookup Key

  • Price Increase

Pricing Strategy: Price Increase

Pricing relevant Attributes

  • Attributes in P/PX

  • Value Impacts of Pricing Attributes

Pricing Strategy: Attribute Based

Pricing Level Adjustment

  • Pricing Level

  • Adjustment %

Dependent Pricing of Parent (e.g. Global Reference Price List → Country Price List)

Sales Forecast

  • SKU

  • Sales Volume

  • Forecast Date

  • Pricing Level Identifier (e.g. Country)


  • Currency

Lookup Based Forecast (optionally, you can use Lookup Based or Transaction Based Forecast)

Transaction Data

Sales Data (Transactions)

  • SKU

  • Sales Volume

  • Sales Turnover (Sold Price)

  • Transaction Date

  • Pricing Level Identifier (e.g. Country)


  • Currency (you need filled CCY DM when using CCY)

All KPI regarding “Sales History”

  • Historical Sales/Turnover

  • Forecast based on historical data