Product Similarity Accelerator Learning Paths

Product Similarity Accelerator Learning Paths


This learning path is tailored for individuals seeking to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the principles and functionalities of the Product Similarity Accelerator and how it provides a similarity score between products and possibly regroups them into similar groups and these groups can then be leveraged to apply a pricing strategy.

It is separated into multiple learning paths that are dependent upon your expected role using this Pricefx Accelerator.

Learning Path Disclaimer: Although this learning path offers comprehensive information on the mentioned capability, it lacks a Pricefx environment, that is only available in our instructor-led training, where you can interact with these features and practice using them.

For further insights into the distinctions between our on-demand learning paths and instructor-led training, please click here.

Learning Prerequisites

Make sure that you have these aspects covered before moving on to the course.

Learning Synopsis

These learning paths on Product Similarity Accelerator will illustrate how it will walk you through the steps to easily compute a similarity score and regroup products by similarity based on product specifications. It will highlight how similarity groups help enrich data for further processes, such as Clustering or Negotiation Guidance and similar products can be offered as an alternative product in a quote.

It will highlight how to install and configure this Accelerator, map the incoming data, define the similarity metrics, creating a similarity model, configuring the model, and explore the results.

Learning Objectives

Core topics and takeaways from these learning paths:

  • Illustrate how to deploy and configure this Accelerator into a partition.

  • Depict the mandatory data requirements in our transactional data that are needed for this Accelerator.

  • Understand the step-by-step process for creating the similarity model.

  • Illustrate how to analyze the results and explore similarities per product.

  • Define the different similarity metrics and explain their relevancy

  • Highlight the underlying technical components and libraries that are used by developers for building the logics involved in these calculations.

Learning Journey

This learning path is separated into sections that provide a basic roadmap for building your knowledge and understanding of the technical aspects of Clustering Accelerator.

The components in this path are designed to be experienced in a sequential order, as each subsequent level builds upon the knowledge acquired in the preceding learning path(s). This structured approach ensures that learners have the necessary foundation before progressing to more advanced concepts, optimizing your learning experience.



 NOTE: If you have any inquiries regarding the content in this learning path, you can utilize the following online Pricefx forums: AskPricefx community or Pricefx GenAI chatbot.