Outliers Dashboard - Calculation Models

The current implementation provides three calculation models. These models differ in how items are distributed to buckets.


There are always 4 buckets: High, Medium, Low, Negative. The threshold calculations assign each item to a proper bucket based on the selected KPI value.

The following rules apply for all models when placing an item into one of these 4 buckets. Each item whose running total KPI value is:

  • negative – gets assigned to the Negative bucket.

  • below the Low threshold – gets assigned to the Low bucket.

  • above the High threshold – gets assigned to the High bucket.

  • in neither of previous buckets – gets assigned to the Medium bucket.

The manipulation happens automatically: the value is calculated, each item is put into a bucket based on the selected calculation model. The only control the user has over the buckets are the Company Parameters thresholds where to put what. The "value of the bucket" (which is hidden from the user, but is used for display purposes) is calculated as "the average number of all items present plus the number of items assigned to a given bucket". This ensures that the biggest slice will always be the one with the highest number of items inside.


(Max - Min) Split Model

Allowed KPI values:

  • Revenue (selected by default)

  • Revenue Contribution %

  • Margin

  • Margin %

  • Margin Contribution %

Thresholds are calculated in the following manner:

  • High = MAX(KPI) - ((MAX(KPI) - MIN(KPI)) / 3)

  • Low = MIN(KPI) + ((MAX(KPI) - MIN(KPI)) / 3)

Split Equally Model

Allowed KPI values:

  • Revenue (selected by default)

  • Margin

This model uses the running total for bucket assignment. All items are sorted descending depending on the selected KPI. A running total is calculated along with each item assignment.

Thresholds are calculated in the following manner:

  • High = SUM(KPI) / 3

  • Low = SUM(KPI) / 3 * 2

Contribution Model

Allowed KPI values:

  • Revenue Contribution % (selected by default)

  • Margin Contribution %

This model also uses the running total for bucket assignment. Again, all items are sorted descending depending on the selected KPI. A running total is calculated along with each item assignment.

Thresholds are fetched from the OutliersContributionModelThresholds Company Parameter.

Default Filters

There are some default filters put on various fields to ensure proper calculations. These are:

  • Only entries with not null grossMargin are considered.

  • Only entries with not null invoicePrice are considered.

  • Only entries with not null quantity are considered.

  • Only entries with SUM(invoicePrice) > 0 are considered.

  • Only entries with SUM(quantity) > 0 are considered.