Quote Reasons

Quote Reasons

Quote reasons are predefined reasons that users can select as an explanation when they mark a Quote as lost. Besides selecting a predefined reason, users can also add a comment into a free-text box.

On this page, administrators can create, edit and enable/disable collections of loss reasons.

You can collect the reasons entered by users from the Quote field lostReason and use this statistics in dashboards or Company Parameters for win/loss analysis.

How to Create Quote Loss Reasons

Set up Quote reasons in three steps:

  1. Create collections.

  2. Create reasons.

  3. Link loss reason collection with a Quote Type.

Create Collections

First, you must create a collection, a container where your loss reasons intended for one Quote Type will be stored:

  1. Click the Add Collection button.

  2. Give the collection a name.
    If you change the name after selecting this collection in a Quote Type, the link will break and you must select this renamed collection again in the Quote Type definition.

  3. Set the status to Active. Inactive collections will not be selectable in a Quote Type but for existing collections made inactive, the link to the Quote Type will be preserved.

  4. Enable the Required option to make the selection of a loss reason compulsory for the user.

  5. Click Add to save the collection.

Create Reasons

Now you can define individual reasons (up to 10):

  1. With the collection selected, click the Add Reason button.

  2. Enter a label for the reason.

  3. Add a description, providing more explanatory details to the user about the loss reason. It will be displayed in a tooltip, when the user hovers over the ? icon.
    For both label and description you can add translations into different languages using the Translation Editor. In the Locale column of the editor, use the language code that you see in the locale URL parameter, e.g., 'de' for German.

    By drag & drop, you can change the order of the reasons.

  4. Click Add in the dialog and then Save Changes at the top of the page.

Link Loss Reason Collection with a Quote Type

The last step is to associate the collection with a Quote Type. Each Quote Type can have only one Loss Reason Collection associated.


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Pricefx version 14.0