This is the documentation for Clover Club 12.0.
Documentation for the upcoming version Rampur 13.0 can be found here.

Quote List

When you open the Quotes page in the Quoting module, a table displays showing the list of all Quotes you are entitled to see.

Click on the Name or Label to display the Quote's details.

A lot of important information about the Quote is available here – this list can be also exported:

  • Created By – The name of the sales person who created the Quote.

  • Customer – Indicates for which customer this Quote is created.

  • Status – Indicates in which state the document is (Draft, Offer, Deal, Lost, ...).

  • Lost Reason – The reason for deal loss. The sales manager can also export the list of Quotes with a specific loss reason.

  • Lost Reason Comment – An additional comment about the deal loss.

You can customize the structure and content of the Quotes table to suite your needs. You can:

  • Organize Quotes into folders in the Categories tree

  • Sort the table

  • Use a simple filter

  • Add/remove fields (columns)

  • Create advanced filters

  • Save your customized layout and filters as a preference
    Watch a tutorial video explaining how to set up a new preference (Video 1, time 1:55).

See the Common Table Actions section for details.

Familiarize yourself also with the available Quote actions.