Here you can find all information that is needed for preparing for the Pricefx Certification for Project Managers. This page provides important Certified Project Manager Exam instructions and guidelines. Please review the entire page before proceeding to exam registration.
Exam Prerequisites
The Project Manager Certification Exam is the final step in becoming a Pricefx Certified Project Manager. Before the exam all candidates should perform the following steps:
Follow the following learning path in LMS: Project Management Certification
Review the sample exam (10 questions) in Pricefx Learning Hub. As Pricefx system to do the demo in, please go to the partition ‘demofx-pm’ using the link here. In case you do not have access to the demofx-pm system via SSO, please follow the procedure described on /wiki/spaces/PSP/pages/2996437001.
Review examples of business scenarios for the Pricefx demo in the sample exam. A recording on the Pricefx demo can be found here.
These are the minimum mandatory materials to study for the PM Certification exam.
What is the Certified Project Manager (CPM) Exam?
The CPM Exam consists of 40 different types test questions (e.g. multiple choice, ordering, drag-and-drop, business case open questions). All questions are based on the mandatory study content of Exam Prerequisites. In additional CPM candidate will be provided with Pricefx Standard Business User Partition to show case his/her product demo skills for the Pricefx Core Modules: PriceBuilder, PriceAnalyzer and QuoteConfigurator.
This exam is intended for internal Project Managers (employees and augmented stuff).
Learning paths:
Internal Project Manager (employees and augmented staff).
Scope of the exam:
The exam should be testing the knowledge that has been acquired during the Pricefx Project Management Certification training/studying. The concrete topics to be tested:
Pricing knowledge (concepts and industrial pricing)
Product knowledge
Pricefx Project Team Methodology
Pricefx Soft skills
Demo Skills
Exam objectives:
To verify sufficient understanding and knowledge of key pricing concepts.
To verify sufficient knowledge of the product and demo skills of core modules.
To verify sufficient knowledge of the product implementation and team methodology.
To verify sufficient soft skills needed for the Project Manager role.
CPM Exam Format
The exam is taking place in the Pricefx Learning Hub. The CPM candidate will have access to the sample exam prior to the exam.
Each topic (in total 4) in the exam scope will include:
8-9 multiple choice or/and ordering or/and drag and drop questions.
1-2 business case question with short open answer option.
In total the CPM candidate needs to answer 40 questions.
After the completion of the questions in the Pricefx Learning Hub, the CPM candidate will be asked to log in into the Pricefx Standard Business User Partition and show case 3 business scenarios during 15 minutes which will be shared by Proctor in the beginning of the exam. The example business scenarios will be available to the CPM candidate before the exam.
Total exam duration: 2 hours 30 minutes.
CPM Exam Evaluation
The final result of the exam: passed/not passed
All questions in the exam have the equal weight. For the correct answer the CPM candidate receives 1 point, for the incorrect answer - 0 points. Open questions will be evaluated on the same basis. The correctness of the open-ended questions will be based on the concrete criteria, e.g. mentioning of the concrete words/methods that have been presented in the study content.
The demo skills will be evaluated as a separate part of the exam. The demo skills will be also evaluated on base of 2 points per each module demo. If the demo part is less than 50% (e.g. less than 3 points), the exam is failed.
In order to pass the exam, the CPM candidate should have minimum of 60% correct answers overall. The correctness of the answer in Pricefx Learning Hub is graded automatically. Open-ended questions and demo skills will be reviewed by proctor and added to the exam total score.
In case the candidate fails to reach a score of at least 60%, the exam can be retaken later. Only the parts which scores were below the 60% need to be retaken.
The exam results should be available within 3 business days after the exam date. The proctor will send an email with the results to the Line Manager of the Project Manager. If the exam has been successfully passed, then the Pricefx Certificate will be issued.
If you fail the first attempt of the exam, the results will be discussed with the Project Manager and the Line manager and the second attempt will be upon the hiring manager discretion. In most of the cases, Project Manager will need to redo the failed parts of the exam only.
Materials allowed to use during the exam
As the exam is fully based on the materials that you have to study prior to the exam, no additional or supplementary materials are allowed during the exam.
CPM Exam Administration
The CPM Exam is administered as a recorded video conference.
Ensure that you have checked the CPM Exam Requirements below 1 week before the exam start.
You need:
Strong & Reliable Internet Connection – Your upload speed needs to be at least 1.8Mbps. Verify your connection speed using against Prague and Chicago
Laptop with:
Audio, Webcam/External Webcam
The laptop’s microphone at maximum volume
The laptop is being charged during the Exam
Video conferencing tool installed – MS Teams and running before the exam start
Pricefx Learning Hub opened and you are logged in
Laptop connected to your strong reliable internet connection
Check the page on the exam requirements in terms of setup of your laptop: Interview - Required Setup (SD Exam) - Product Education - Confluence (
An email invitation is emailed to you at least 2 business days before the Exam and contains an Exam date/time and video conference link.
At the specified time, click the video conference link to attend the CCE Exam. An Exam proctor will greet you and:
Check your setup
Turn on the video recording (the recording must stay on for the entire duration of the exam)
Prompt you to present your Photo ID
Check that you are logged in to the Pricefx Learning Hub
Provide you an access to your individual exam
Check that you are able to log in to Pricefx Business User Partition
Rules during the Exam
Violation of any of these rules can result in Exam disqualification and the need to reschedule the Exam. Unforeseen events may also result in Exam disqualification.
You must be alone in a room that is distraction-free.
Your working table must be completely free.
If you need to do a bathroom break, let the proctor know.
Please make sure that you have water and any other supplements you may need during the exam before exam start.
The use of a phone during the exam is strictly prohibited and will lead to exam disqualification. Make sure that your phone is on a “do-not-disturb” mode.
Be sure that the room is bright and that you have proper lightening in the hour before sunset.
You must set the audio of your smartphone at maximum volume and the microphone must be enabled throughout the entire Exam.
The recording of the video conference must run throughout the entire Exam (note: if for any reason the video conferencing recording is paused or stopped, the Exam will be disqualified and will need to be rescheduled).
The side-view video & computer screen share must run throughout the entire Exam (note: if for any reason the side-view or computer screen share drops, the Exam will be disqualified and will need to be rescheduled).
Your internet connection must be reliable and specifically the Upload speed at least 1.8 Mbps. You can verify your speed using , check against Prague and Chicago.
If your internet connection drops/disconnects, you must terminate the exam and contact the Proctor to reschedule.
Once you finished the exam, you can leave the Teams meeting by notifying the proctor.
Recommendations for the exam preparations
For the existing employees:
All questions are based on the study materials provided in the first section of this page. Make sure that you review all videos and slides before the exam. Don’t forget to check the sample exam. You biggest advantage that you have already did projects in Pricefx and thus, collected practical knowledge. In case of any questions, confusions, uncertainty, please contact your Competence Lead - Boris Dingenouts or EDU Team lead for this exam - Kate Grusemann .
For the new employees:
You have 2 months (after the job start) to prepare for the exam. Besides studying the materials mentioned in the first section, we highly recommend to review existing Pricefx projects and implementation, shadow some of the project managers (after the agreement with the hiring manager and PM Competence Lead) and ask many questions to your colleagues if you are not sure about any parts of the study content. A successful CPM exam is a critical milestone in the finalizing probation period in Pricefx. Please consult with your hiring manager with regards to your exam date.
CPM exam for Partner Project Managers
For partner project managers it works in a similar way. They have no user in the learning platform, so they should sign up first via the ‘Sign Up’ link. As Pricefx contact they should enter the name of their partner manager.
Once their registration is approved by the partner manager, they need to look up the following course in the Course Catalogue:
The has the content they need to follow. As a partner PM they can skip the part around Soft Skills (Step 4). If you want to go for the exam after completing the course, they need to contact Boris Dingenouts to schedule a time as the exam requires proctoring.