In order to introduce TDD4C to you logic, you need to use Pricefx Studio or packaging to be able to fetch logics from the server. Then, set up a Git repo for your project, which will allow you to have continuous integration job on PFX Gitlab like
Create a Root pom.xml File
Create a Maven metadata file where you enable Groovy usage and pull all the dependencies. Right click the project root folder in Studio and choose New > Create pom.xml from the menu. Or alternatively create the pom.xml file manually in the root folder of your project, looking like this one (substitute "myproject" with you project name).
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Price f(x) MyProject Logic</name>
<!-- testing -->
<!-- maven -->
<!-- Test -->
<id>Default repo</id>
<id>Pricefx public maven artifacts</id>
- Reopen the project and choose Add as Maven project when prompted.
- Make sure you marked the CalculationLogicTest folder as Test Sources Root in IDEA. This should be done by default during the action Upgrade Studio Project Libraries.