Setting up a Project

Setting up a Project

  1. To enable TDD4C, you need to have a dependancy on the tdd4c library, which is provided as a Maven artefact in Maven repository. If you simply follow the steps described in Create New Project, it will get downlaoded to the project automatically since it is already included in the built-in pom.xml.
  2. In order to run TDD4C tests using the continuous integration, your pipeline need to execute the mvn test commnad. This is already covered by the existing templates for GitLab, GitHub and BitBucket. So if you generate the pipeline configuration script using the context menu Pricefx > CI Deployment in Studio, you don't need to do anything else.

  3. Make sure you marked the CalculationLogicTest folder as Test Sources Root in IDEA. This should be done by default during the action Upgrade Studio Project Libraries.

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