
This is the documentation for Clover Club 12.0.
Documentation for the upcoming version Rampur 13.0 can be found here.


On the Actions page, you can directly access all the Actions created in the system.

  • Actions can come from the Actions tab that can be added to Quotes, Agreements/Promotions, Rebate Agreements, Deal Plans and Custom Forms.

  • Actions can be created manually from Analytics Data Table, charts or Dashboard portlets. Actions can also be created automatically by Actionable Insight Watchers.

  • Actions can be grouped together by their nature/assignee under several steps/tabs. These action bundles are called Action Plans and are delivered by Actionable Insights Accelerator.

  • There can also be standalone Actions, not related to any document. This type of Actions can be created manually on this page.

  • The content of Actions is defined by Action Types where you specify tabs, inputs and outputs.

  • When an Action is assigned to you, you will receive a notification.

Actions List Page

On the Action list page, there are two tabs:

  • My Actions – All Actions assigned to you that are not done yet (with the status 'Open').

  • All Actions – All Actions assigned to you, including the completed ones. You will also see here all the Actions that you have created.
    Users with Manage Actions or Administer Actions user role can see all the Actions in the system. Users with module administration role can see actions related to that module (e.g., user with the Administer Quoting role can see all the Actions created in Quotes).

Open Actions whose due date has already passed, are marked by an exclamation mark icon and the date itself is displayed in red color.

The Add Action button on the list screen allows you to create a simple Action (but still based on an Action Type) from the list page, without a link to a parent document.

There is no approval workflow for Actions.


  • Due Date – The due date will be highlighted in red at midnight on the expiry day (i.e., at the beginning of that day).

  • Parent – The ID of the document to which this Action belongs (e.g., Quote, Rebate Agreement or the Module Category for objects that belong to one).

  • Parent Label – The label of the document to which this Action belongs. This field displays the label that the document had at the time when the Action was created; if the label changes afterwards it will not get automatically updated here.

  • Parent Tab – Action can be tied not just to a document but also to its specific tab where it is displayed. This allows you to create groups of Actions within one document.

  • Originator – The ID of the object where this Action has been created (automatically by an Actionable Insight Watcher, manually in a Dashboard or Chart).

  • Originator Label – The label of the object where this Action has been created. This field displays the label that the object had at the time when the Action was created; if the label changes afterwards it will not get automatically updated here.

  • Source Context – It is used to pass data that explain why this Action was created - the provided context includes the defined data scope, triggers, etc. so that this information can be shown in the Action item and the user knows right away the reason why an action is needed.

  • Target Context – It is used to pass data that explain what this Action requires the user to do. It can contain anything from specific links to different documents, their data preview or a specific list of products and their prices which the user should include in a new Quote.

See also Action Item (AI) in Developer Knowledge Base.

Action Detail

In the list page, click the Name or Summary of an Action to view its details.

  • The Action summary at the top of the page is editable.

  • Description tab – The left-hand side panel contains summary info about the Action (assignee, due date, etc.) and links to the parent document (if known, the link leads to the tab where the action was created) and the originator if they exist.

  • The main panel displays the Action description and the content defined by a calculation logic associated with the respective Action Type.

  • Other tabs are defined by the Action Type on which this Action is based.

Action Status

When an Action is created, its status is ‘Open’. You can use the in-line icons to mark the Action as ‘Done’ or ‘Rejected’. You have more options in the bottom toolbar when you select an Action. Use the Reopen button to return the Action from any status back to the 'Open’ status.

Actions can have one of the following statuses:

  • Open – The initial status for newly created Actions.

  • Done – Indicating that the Action has been completed. These Actions cannot be edited or deleted.

  • Blocked – Indicating that there is some outstanding issue preventing the user from completing the Action.

  • Rejected – Indicates the resolution of the user not to do anything with this Action. These Actions cannot be edited.

  • Postponed – Indicates the decision of the user to work on this Action later.

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