This is the documentation for Clover Club 12.0.
Documentation for the upcoming version Rampur 13.0 can be found here.
Common Abbreviations
When working with the Pricefx software or project teams, you may come across the following abbreviations and acronyms.
Abbreviation | Meaning | Category |
ACV | Annual Contract Value | Project lifecycle |
AE | Account Executive | Project lifecycle |
AI | Artificial Intelligence | Pricing Industry |
AMAS | Adaptive Multi-Agent System | Pricefx modules and features |
ATPCO | Airline Tariff Publishing Company |
BAFO | Best & final offer | Pricing Industry |
BOM | Bill of Materials | Pricing Industry |
BR | Business role | Pricefx modules and features |
C | Customer / Customer master | Pricefx modules and features |
CAIQ | Consensus Assessment Initiative Questionnaire | Pricefx modules and features |
CE | Configuration Engineer | Project lifecycle |
CF | Calculation flow | Pricefx modules and features |
CFS | Calculated Field Set | Pricefx modules and features |
CL | Calculation logic | Pricefx modules and features |
CLIC | Calculable line item collection (refers to Quote/Agreement/Rebate detail in React) | Pricefx modules and features |
CPQ | Configure-Price-Quote (price lists) | Pricing Industry |
CR | Change Request | Project lifecycle |
CSA | Cloud Security Alliance | Pricefx modules and features |
CTT | Condition Type (formerly called Contract Term Type) | Pricefx modules and features |
CX | Customer Extensions | Pricefx modules and features |
DCR | Data Change Request | Pricefx modules and features |
DF | Data Feed | Pricefx modules and features |
DL | Data Load | Pricefx modules and features |
DM | Datamart | Pricefx modules and features |
DS | Data Source | Pricefx modules and features |
EAN | European Article Number is a barcode standard, a 12- or 13-digit product identification code. Each EAN uniquely identifies the product, manufacturer and its attributes. | Pricing Industry |
EBITDA margin | Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization | Pricing Industry |
EH | Enhancement Request (previously Change Request) | Project lifecycle |
ERP | Enterprise resource planning (in stock system) | Pricing Industry |
ETL | Extract, transform, load – three database functions that are combined into one tool to pull data out of one database and place it into another database. Extract is the process of reading data from a database. | Pricing Industry |
IE | Integration Engineer | Project lifecycle |
ITIL | IT Infrastructure Library | Project lifecycle |
LCE | Lead Configuration Engineer | Project lifecycle |
LPG | Live Price Grid | Pricefx modules and features |
MPG | Material Pricing Group (way of grouping materials to which you want to apply the same conditions) | Pricefx modules and features |
MPL | Manual Price List | Pricefx modules and features |
MRO | Maintenance, Repair, Operations | Project lifecycle |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturers | Pricing Industry |
OX | Object Extension (parent of all extension classes, such PX or CX) | Pricefx modules and features |
P | Product / Product master | Pricefx modules and features |
PA | Analytics (formerly called PriceAnalyzer) | Pricefx modules and features |
PaaS | Platform-as-a-Service (infrastructure) | Pricing Industry |
PAB | Platform Advisory Board | Pricefx modules and features |
PAR | Price Approval Request | Pricing Industry |
PB | Price Setting (formerly called PriceBuilder) | Pricefx modules and features |
PL | Price List | Pricefx modules and features |
PM | Agreements & Promotions (formerly called PromotionManager) | Pricefx modules and features |
POC | Proof of Concept | Project lifecycle |
PP | Company Parameter (formerly called Price Parameter) | Pricefx modules and features |
PR | Price Record | Pricefx modules and features |
PraaS | Pricing-as-a-Service | Project lifecycle |
PREF | Preferences | Pricefx modules and features |
PS | Quoting (formerly called QuoteConfigurator and Price Shop) | Pricefx modules and features |
PUG | Product User Group | Pricefx modules and features |
PX | Product Extensions | Pricefx modules and features |
Q | Quote | Pricefx modules and features |
QA | Quality Assurance | Project lifecycle |
QC | Quoting (formerly called QuoteConfigurator) | Pricefx modules and features |
QMS | Quality Management System | Pricing Industry |
RBT | Rebate Type | Pricefx modules and features |
RM | Rebates (formerly called RebateManager) | Pricefx modules and features |
RRP | Recommended Retail Price | Pricing Industry |
SA | Solution Architect | Project lifecycle |
SaaS | Software-as-a-Service | Pricing Industry |
SD | Solution Delivery | Project lifecycle |
SIM | Pricefx Partition for pricing simulations | Project lifecycle |
SKU | Stock Keeping Unit is a product and service identification code for a store or product, often portrayed as a machine-readable bar code that helps track the item for inventory. A stock keeping unit (SKU) does not need to be assigned to physical products in inventory. | Pricing Industry |
SOC1 | System and Organization Control Report | Project lifecycle |
SoW | Statement of Work | Project lifecycle |
SPA | Sales & Purchase Agreement | Pricing Industry |
Spot Quote, Spot Price | Includes rate for shipment that needs to be expedited immediately or urgently | Pricing Industry |
TCO | Total Cost of Ownership (direct & indirect cost of a product segmentation) | Pricing Industry |
TtV | Time to Value | Project lifecycle |
UAT | User Acceptance Testing | Pricing Industry |
UG | User group | Pricefx modules and features |
WF | Workflow | Pricefx modules and features |
WIP | Work in Progress | Pricing Industry |
YTD | Year-to-date is a period, starting from the beginning of the current year (either the calendar year or fiscal year) and continuing up to the present day. | Pricing Industry |
If you are a configuration engineer, you might be interested in the full list of Type Codes.