Compensation Plans Header Logics

Compensation Plans Header Logics

In this section, you define a calculation logic which is used at the Compensation Plan header level, i.e., for the whole document and all its data. This logic is executed when you select the Recalculate action for the Compensation Plan.

When creating or editing Compensation Plan header logics, you have the same options as when editing generic calculation logics.

Add a Seller Picker to Compensation Plan Header

To be able to manage sales commissions and compensation for individual sellers or groups of sellers, users must be able to select a seller when creating a Compensation Plan. The seller picker is not displayed on the Header tab by default but must be configured in the header logic.

coProcessor.addOrUpdateInput("ROOT", ["name": "Sellers", "label": "Seller(s)", "type" : InputType.SELLER ])

Once rendered, the picker takes data from the Master Data entity "Sellers".

For more details see Calculation Logics Overview.

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