Set up Pricefx to Use Different Environment in SugarCRM

It is possible to switch between different environments connected to SugarCRM, for example, to perform testing.

To set this, you need an administration account.

  1. Log into

  2. Go to Admin > Pricefx Quotes:



  3. You can see URLs Config:


  4. Here you can change Pricefx iFrame URL to different options:
    AWS (Amazon Web Services):
    SEEDDATA Staging OKTA:

    SEEDDATA Develop:

    SEEDDATA Stable:

    GCP (Google Cloud Platform):
    SEEDDATA Staging OKTA:

    SEEDDATA Develop:

    SEEDDATA Stable:

    SEEDDATA Localhost:

  5. After making the changes save the setting and go to Pricefx Quotes.

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Pricefx version 13.1