Custom Forms General Settings

There are the following settings for Custom Forms:

  • Create Custom Form Option – On creating a new Custom Form:

    • Do nothing – If checked, the new Custom Form is not saved when it is created but the header logic is run in the pre-phase. No logic is executed when creating duplicates or revisions.

    • Fully calculate new Custom Form immediately – If checked, the Custom Form’s header logic is executed in the pre-phase and post-phase immediately after the Custom Form is created.

    • Save and calculate pre-phase for new Custom Form immediately – If checked, the new Custom Form is saved immediately after creation and the header logic is executed only in the pre-phase. It is useful if you need to work with the Custom Form's typedId in the header logic.

    • Save and fully calculate new Custom Form immediately – If checked, the new Custom Form is saved immediately after creation and the header logic is executed in the pre-phase and post-phase.

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Pricefx version 13.1