How to Create Event Orchestration Notification
Our Notifications section in Platform Manager (PfM) under a specific account supports Event Orchestration (EO) notifications.
You can create EO notifications by clicking the New Rule button in the Notification Rules section. This new WORKFLOW notification type lists all workflows in your account and provides options for customization.
For each EO notification rule, you can:
Select workflows to monitor: Choose a specific workflow, a set of workflows, or use the All option.
Choose a trigger type: set it to trigger on SUCCESS, ERROR, or both (All).
Select the delivery method: send notifications by email, webhook, or both, to specified destinations.
Key Features of EO Workflow Notifications
Real-time Monitoring: Unlike other notification types, EO notifications only support real-time monitoring. We send RabbitMQ events immediately upon a workflow's success or failure—no scheduled log checks are involved.
Streamlined Fields: EO notifications do not include "target" fields, simplifying the setup process.
Notification Data Sync: When creating, updating, or deleting an EO notification rule, the pm-event-orchestration service automatically syncs this data. This means that when a workflow completes or fails, it first checks for an existing notification rule for that specific workflow. Only then does it send notification data back to Platform Manager, minimizing unnecessary RabbitMQ events.
“All” Workflow Option: An All option is available, which automatically monitors all workflows under a specific account, including any workflows created in the future. This way, users don’t need to create separate notifications for each new workflow.
EO notification rules act as templates, defining when and how notifications should be sent. The actual instances of notifications, called alerts, can be viewed in the main “Notifications” tab.
PlatformManager version 1.80.0